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Extras Cast Call in Chicago for “Chicago Fire” TV Show

By | February 13, 2025

NBC’s “Chicago Fire” is back in production for the 2024 season.

The Chicago based drama, Chicago Fire, is back in production in the Chicagoland area and the extras casting directors are looking to cast locals to the Chicago area that are available to work as paid background actors, in the next week.

Don’t live in Chicago?  Be sure to check out the extras casting call page to see if there is anything in your area.

Chicago Fire is one of a few NBC Chicago themed shows that are produced in Chicago and are connected to each other. The NBC show Chicago PD is also currently filming in the area and both shows are casting for paid extras.

Chicago Fire first premiered in 2012 and has been going strong ever since.

About the show:

As the firefighters, rescue squad and paramedics of Chicago Firehouse 51 forge headfirst into danger, the choices they make can mean the difference between life and death. But from the relentless pressure of saving lives, an extended family is forged. Led by Chief Wallace Boden, Matthew Casey, Kelly Severide, and the others know — when it’s go time, Firehouse 51 lays it all on the line for each other. This high-octane drama from Executive Producer Dick Wolf offers an edge-of-your-seat view into the lives of everyday heroes committed to one of America’s noblest professions.


Extras casting audition in Chicago:

Local to Chicago, Suburbs, and Surrounding Border States to IL ONLY!


Please help us spread the word.

We are casting LOTS OF TEENS – AGES 16 TO 20.


We are casting LOTS OF TEENS and ADULTS – AGES 16 TO 60.

Searching for AGES 16 TO 60, ALL ETHNICITIES, TO WORK ON THURSDAY, FEB. 20TH. These are paid, nonspeaking extra roles.
To apply send a recent color photograph with your height, weight, age, phone number, city, state and clothing sizes to ExtraCfire@gmail.com and put “Student Shopper 2.20”, OR “Adult Shopper”.
Male: height, weight, suit jacket, T-shirt, neck, sleeve, waist, inseam and shoe
Female: height, weight, dress, pants, T-shirt and shoe
Let us know if you have worked as an extra on a set. It’s okay if you haven’t! We love casting NEW TEENS and NEW ADULTS!

Searching for FEMALES, ALL ETHNICITIES, TO PLAY A POLICE OFFICER on Wed., Feb. 19th. No long painted nails or glamour hair. We are showing pictures to the director. Send in photos looking casual, no headshots, no sunglasses, no comp cards, no selfies, no pictures with your hair or head cut off at the border of photo.
These are non-speaking extra roles

Let us know the last time you worked on Chicago Fire, if at all.
We must have your height, weight, dress, pant, T-shirt and shoe sizes.
Send photos to ExtraCfire@gmail and put “Non-real police 2.19” in the subject line.

Searching for CROSSFIT MEN AND WOMEN, ALL ETHNICITIES, TO WORK AS NON-SPEAKING EXTRAS, ON WED., FEB. 19th, and for another day when we are at an OUTSIDE INCIDENT SCENE. One scene is in a gym.
We need to show pictures to the director and we are choosing 4 people.
If chosen the pay rate is $129.6 for 8 hours and time and a half after 8 hours.
This will be a great scene.
To apply send a recent color photograph in workout clothes, full length and a picture that is of your face, (two pictures), send photos with your height, weight, age, phone number, city, state and clothing sizes to ExtraCfire@gmail.com and put “Crossfit 2.19″in the subject line.
Send in ASAP!


17 thoughts on “Extras Cast Call in Chicago for “Chicago Fire” TV Show

  1. karen Lynn

    I would love to be an extra in Chicago Fire or PD, would you consider someone from out of state? I live in Montana, I’m sure this is a problem. I’m a huge fan of both shows. I’m a certified nurse assistant.

  2. Tracey A Bentley

    #SinaTracey available for Entertainer when needed 😉

  3. Kelly C.

    I would love to be an extra on CPD or Chicago Fire . I have no experience in acting at all. I also live in NJ problem I’m sure. But I’ve been a huge fan since the show started. Absolutely love them. Is there any way you would consider a out of state person. I am retired and have nothing but free time. I am about 4 months from turning 60 but look younger. Please consider for one of your best fans.

  4. Edgar Gregory

    I have never been on this show. I sent my resume a while ago. Should I send it in again? I am 79 , very active, work out 3 times a week, don’t smoke and on time at every audition.
    thank you
    Edgar Gregory

    1. erica Post author

      They only cast certain roles as needed. Yes, but wait until they are in need of roles with the description that fits you.

  5. None

    I really want to get to the casting and play in a horror movie, a teenager, preferably the main character.

  6. John

    Hooray!, I’ve got a booking to work on Chicago Fire January 4th, 2023. It’s been a while since the last time worked on Chicago fire

  7. Hewan

    Hi I would love to be casted for a role as a teen.

    1. Hewan

      My name is Hewan and I am a teenager, my ethnicity is black and I would love to be casted for a role as a teen.

  8. Favour Chiamaka

    My name is Favour and I will love to be cast in a role in this film, I will be honored if you consider me.

  9. Friday

    I am a talented actor, I graduated from University of Lagos Nigeria with Bsc Industrial Relation and personnel management. I would be very grateful if I am considered for a role.

  10. Derrick

    Hello, my name is Derrick and I am 39 years old 51% native American, 24% African American and 25% Caucasian, and I would like to audition for an extra role in Chicago fire and/or Chicago PD……. FOR NOW!! until I land the bigger role, lol.

  11. Bishop

    This is my favorite show. I’m 73 yrs old and I love firehouse51. I would love to be Chief Broden Love interest. I’m a very young attractive looking 73. Boden doesn’t get enough home live as the rest of the cast. Boden never looks relaxed or happy and me as a Love interest to Boden I could bring some ex city into his live for a few months then he proposes marriage and that’s when he finds out my real age and I’m actually dying with only six months to live the vast church wedding take place and we leave for honeymoon and the plane crashes and I was severely injured for three more days doctors say I’m recovering well Boden is so happy then he goes to tell serviride and Casey that I’m recovering and will be home in several days. While Boden is at the firehouse I dies but Boden misses the call because he’s fighting fires Boden goes to hospital to see me but I died and they already taken me to the morgue Biden insisted that he sees her. He has a full BREAKDOWN in the morgue till the doctors sedate him then they find out that he has had a heart attack for grieving over me…the team rally around him handling my funeral for him while he sits in a weak chair But with his strength and love and wording over the hose. From his hospital bed he still Swears To protect the house. After a weak he returns to work t his rightful place.

  12. Tiffanie

    I would love to be an extra in your film. I am a recent widow and this would make my day. It would cheer me up so much.

  13. Patricia maxwell

    My name is Patricia. I would like to be casted for a role as and extra in your film.

  14. James Sherbin

    I would like to be considered for a role as an extra in your film. I just graduated law school in Michigan and I have lived in Michigan for 4 years.


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