A&E’s critically acclaimed documentary series Obsessed


A&E’s critically acclaimed documentary series about people suffering from severe OCD is looking for individuals that are in need of help. “Obsessed” documents the therapeutic process of everyday people suffering from OCD and follows their courageous journey to a better life.

Is your OCD severely affecting your life and the lives of your loved ones?

Do you have intense rituals that prevent you from living your life the way you want to?

Are you ready to get your life back and learn how to manage your thoughts and actions?

Chosen applicants receive 12 -15 weeks of free CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) from doctors and licensed therapists including: John Tsilimparis, MFT, Karen Pickett, MFT, Dr. Shana Doronn, and Dr. Craig April.

For more information, apply through our website http://www.aetv.com/obsessed/participate/