Audition Call to participate in an adaptation of Shakespeare’s King Lear


Adaptation means taking the most important scenes of King Lear and
doing them in Shakespeare?s language. We will be using as text the
way Shakespeare wrote it as printed in the book “No Fear
Shakespeare-King Lear”. On each opposite page in this book is a
contemporary language translation of Shakespeare’s text. Because that
now exists there can be no difficulty in understanding Shakespeare?s
text, for the actors playing the different roles.

Location is the Boston / Cambridge area

We will be casting for male actors ages 25-50, the roles are The Duke
of Albany, Edgar 25-35 yrs old and the Bastard Son of Gloucester. Male
or female actors ages 25-50, the roles are the narrator and second
fool. There will also be parts for understudies and supporting roles
in the play.

Since we will be doing some of the key scenes but not every scene in
the play the plot and development of the characters will be explained
dramatically to the audience by a series of linking narrations done by
the characters in the play.

There will be also back projections and front projections of film
clips and still slides that will connect the King Lear story to
personal and global contemporary meanings.

This project could become a landmark, creative achievement in making
Shakespeare’s King Lear extremely relevant to the audiences of today.
It?s about love not war or power grabs. It will take for those who
become involved an extended rehearsal time of about 15 weeks plus.
Basic rehearsing will take place in two contiguous continuing Advanced
Acting Classes-that means the winter 5 week class now in progress.
This class will be at the Cambridge Center as a private class, but
then in the spring term beginning March 29, 2010 (10 weeks) will
become a CCAE class advertised in the CCAE catalogue.

Cost for the five week series of classes is $100 and the spring class
of 10 weeks is $214. Where else can you take class learning about
Shakespeare and get to act it out!

Our first performance will be at CCAE Friday June 11th, Saturday June
12th and Sunday 13th. If all goes well with this project it could be
performed else where for longer runs and larger audiences in other
venues. It could also become a film project as well as a play.
Rehearsals will probably be more than once a week. This project is to
be understood as more then a usual class project, it will be done on a
professional level. It will be done as a Diversity Theater production.

Please if at all interested contact me now~Stan Edelson (781) 648-6000
or (781) 405-3408 or e-mail

I also will be needing a tech director-who is familiar with use of
multiple slide projectors on backdrop surfaces and an assistant to the
director who could also play a minor role in the project.

Casting Location: Boston / Cambridge Center for Adult Education
Contact email:
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Cambridge Center for Adult Education

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