Auditions “Seven/24” | St Louis

  • Post category:St Louis / Theater
  • Post last modified:05/23/2010
  • Reading time:2 mins read

St Louis Auditions for Seven/24 from The Tin Ceiling – A mad dash to do 7 plays within 24 hours. As in… cast, rehearse and perform all 7 plays that last 10 mins each within that time frame.

The Tin Ceiling has produced the series for 10 seasons.Seven/24 is described as a mad dash to write, cast, rehearse and perform seven 10 minute plays in the course of 24 hours.

Fourteen writers will be paired up into seven teams, and will have 12 hours to write a short play. Once the plays are completed, they are handed over to seven directors, who then cast the shows from auditions held the night before. The cast and directors then have 12 hours to get the play ready for a public performance at 8:00pm that night, come hell or high water. It’s always exciting, it’s always fun, and you never know what will happen.

Auditions for seven/24 2010 will be held the on Friday, May 28 8:00pm at the THE CHAPEL located at 6238 Alexander Drive St. Louis, MO 63105. Those auditioning will be asked to read from a side, or a monologue may be prepared if desired. Head shots and resumes are welcome but not required. Those auditioning without a head shot will have a picture taken for casting purposes. Casting calls will begin the morning of Saturday, May 29th. If auditioning, please be available beginning at 9:00am. Rehearsals will continue until show time.

seven/24 2010 will be produced on Saturday, May 29th at 8:00pm THE CHAPEL