Casting Actors for Music Video | Los Angeles


Dramatic, performance driven, Indie-Rock HDV Music Video casting 3 Principals May 1-8, 2010, for a one day shoot scheduling the week of May 10-15, 2010. Established director and director of photography shooting video for the release of Indie-Rock band’s first radio single from debut studio album.

1 young-adult female to play high school teenage girl for dramatic scene. 1 young-adult male to play high school teenage girl for dramatic scene. 1 (45+) Caucasian male, medium to heavy-set in build, to play dramatic role.

Submission photographs and resume sent to for call backs May 8-10. Called back actors will be required to bring and preform a prepared monologue of their choosing. Call back auditions will be held in Santa Monica/ Venice area May 8-10, 2010. Please direct all questions to the afore mentioned email address. Shooting for 3 principals scheduled for less than 5 hours each. Compensation will be meals/credit.