Casting Body Parts Models | Los Angeles


Body Parts Models Inc. holding monthly open call on Monday July 12th from 10 to 2 p.m.. Searching for all beautiful parts such as hair, lips, eyes, legs, bodies, abs, feet, hands, arms, backs, butts, pretty faces with pretty hands….
Also looking for unusual parts such as …………bushy eyebrows……….. prominent and very large noses………….. large behinds AND flat butts………………… beer bellies…………. arthritic hands……….. very aged (75 plus) hands………. huge mens feet, size 20-25 feet…………. huge ears………… hunched backs………….. large; thick necks AND exceptional long necks………. ….mini mouse long eye lashes………………very crooked smiles.

The address is 2023 Coldwater Canyon Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

For additional information go to and reference “about us.”

No calls please, and no need to respond to this e-mail, just come.