Casting Call – Tri State Individuals Having Severe Financial Problems


Production company in NYC is looking to cast an upcoming documentary about individuals who are having severe financial problems and money disorders (NY/NJ/CT AREA). Are you . . .

– using credit to help ease debt?
– spending money before you get it? (i.e. instead of waiting for that raise, you spend money as if you already had it)
– estranged with a loved one due to compulsive spending?
– in a state of euphoria every time you swipe your card?
– lying about how much money you spend whenever you go shopping?
– cashing out major accounts to cover debts, only to re-accumulate the debt quickly after?
– lied to a loved one about how much debt you’ve accumulated?
– unable to hold on to money
– dependent on a loved one for paying the bills
– is a relationship about to end because of financial issues?
– at the end of your rope? living in secret? Desperate for help?

If any of this sounds familiar, we want to talk with you. We are looking for real people with genuine issues in seek of help.

Email your contact information and story details to