Casting Film | Detroit


I will be shooting the feature film Happy Death Day To You from April 5 – 15. I am 75% cast however I still need the following:
One male 18 – 25, any race, for one of the lead roles. Good looking, good build, to play a cocky jerk HS quarterback type. Many lines, will be on set most days.

One man age 35 or older, any race, to play a teacher. One or two days.

One man, late 20’s to mid 40s, any race, to play a photographer. Must be good looking and fit, a slightly homosexual look would be a plus. One day.

Two men age 40 – 55, white, to play fathers. One day each.

Two women, age 40 – 55, white, to play mothers. One day each.

Two women 18 – 39. Should be good looking but able to pull off a white trash biker/stripper look too. Both roles have lines, topless nudity required. One or two days.

10 – 15 girls, age 18 – 21, all races, to play core extra HS students. We will need 2 or 3 of you to be ok with a topless scene in the locker room, so nudity is not required however volunteering to do that scene will greatly help your chances of being selected. Also two of the girls will be given smaller (roughly 5 lines) speaking parts. When replying please be sure to say if you are or are not ok with a topless scene. You will be on set roughly three days.

10 boys, age 18 – 21, any race, to play core extra HS students. You will be on set roughly three days.

This is not a paid shoot. This film will never go to theaters. It does however have an excellent chance at getting a dvd deal into Blockbuster and all of the other major dvd stores. I currently have a film in the new release section at every Blockbuster in America, as well as many countries overseas. I also have two more movies that are currently being sold to distribution companies. This is a film that will be seen, it will be listed on IMDB, it is a chance to work with a very small but professional crew, it is a real credit on your resume, and finally, being on a real film is much better experience than any acting class you could ever take.

When replying please:
-Send your resume if you have one
-Send your headshot and/or recent photos
-Indicate what role(s) you would like to be considered for
-If you are interested in the role of the biker girls or the female HS core extras please state if you are or are not willing to do topless nudity.
-Include you contact information, both your email, phone number, and facebook if you have one.

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