Casting Lead Roles for “Cancer and Cake” Short | NYC


Casting Lead Roles for “Cancer and Cake” Short
Casting notice posted on, casting location: NYC, NY

Award winning writer casting for a seven page short, called “Cancer and Cake,” to shoot in NYC. The story involves a seventeen year old daughter, whose diagnosed with terminal cancer, and her struggle to still experience all the things a normal teenager gets to experience. When the daughter essentially tells her father that she wants to loose her virginity, he struggles with being a father and knowing she running out of time. The mother is the voice of reason and the boyfriend walks on eggshells in the center of this difficult situation.

The tone is similar to James L. Brooks’ “Terms of Endearment.” The short finds humor in the sadness and sadness in the humor. There are funny moments, I promise.

1st Role: The Daughter
The character is 17, but am looking for an actress 18-21, who can play younger. The character is well into stage four of her cancer. The actress must have a spark that shines through despite being physically run down. She must be able show an inner strength and a smile that can melt audience’s hearts. Comedic timing is key as well.

The sensitive issue is that I am opening casting to include any actresses who has gone or is currently going through an illness like cancer, at any stage. This is an option for anyone who feels strong enough to handle it. I fully understand the sensitivity of this matter. I wanted to open the call up because an actress is an actress and it might be cathartic to someone going through a difficult illness to address it in a helpful way. Please help spread the word if you know anyone who’s up to the challenge.

2nd Role: The Boyfriend
The character is 17, but am looking for an actor 18-21, who can play younger. The character has a caring, emotionally attached look to him. He’s been with the daughter in a long term relationship. He know the family well, but still has to navigate their rules with sensitivity. The character is good natured, but must be incredibly likable as they joke about losing their virginity together. No sex scenes, just the build up before. He’s the outsider who gives perspective to the story.

3rd Role: Father
This character is late 30’s to early 40’s. Looking for the right balance of tough on the outside, but a marshmallow on the inside. The drama comes as the father fixes the boyfriend’s spot on the couch to sleep. The daughter takes a stand for the boyfriend to sleep in her room. This presents a harsh struggle for the character. Does he still act as a protective father with rules or does he give her the freedom because of the limited time she has left. Prefer tougher looking New York dad.

4th Role: Mother
This character is late 30’s to early 40’s. Knowing the control is out of her hands, she puts all of her nervous energy into baking a cake at eleven at night. As her daughter takes a stand with her father, she is like a tornado in the kitchen. She is tense and slightly lost, but she is the one who knows the family. She has the ability to control the family and provide prospect. A busy mom that possesses the strength to control the room if needed.

Please email attached resume and headshot to I’ll be casting August 9th and 10th.

The story takes place in a NYC apartment. It is a one day shoot, four principals, one location, all interior. The proposed date to shoot is Friday, August 13th. This date depends on location availability and scouting schedule.

Apart from having years of writing experience, I produce/coordinate television commercials. I work freelance and have seven years experience running sets. The shoot will be organized, fun, and run with a crew of current professionals. We’re shooting on a Red camera, so the footage will be a great addition to any reel.

The shoot is non-union. The cast and crew is working for free. A tasty breakfast and lunch will be provide, as well craft service. All cast and crew members will get a copy of the DVD and any winnings from any film festivals will go towards airfare for the cast to attend any screenings.

Working for free can be tough, but I promise a professional shoot and I promise the little money I have for the project will go towards the promotion of this film. If done right, it could mean some great exposure. As I continue my career, I would always keep my cast and crew in mind as I write and produce future stories.

Casting Location: NYC, NY
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