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Casting Music Video

By | February 14, 2010

We are currently more talent and dancers for the video shoot for ‘”Autowine” at the end of of Feb. This is a song and video which was created for Trinidad & Tobago Carnival 2010 to help spread the vibe of the caribbean.
We will be shooting for two days, but most girls will be needed for 1 day. This is a great opportunity for models and talent to actually get their faces on a professional, television standard music video. 18 and over.

Magazeen from Maybach Music Group –
T-Swagg from Black Shadow Records
Pluck Starr from RamJams.

ositions Needed:
1 Girl Painted Gold
1 Girl Painted Silver
1 Girl Tattooed – Airbrushed – “Autowine”
1 Girl wining on Car Bumper
1 Girl Hanging Clothes
1 Girl Watering Lawn
1 Girl Sun Bathing
4 Juvee Dancers
3-4 Feathered Carnival Partiers
2 Stop Sign girls w/ whistles
& a additional dancehall choreographer

This is non paid, but you will recieve a copy of the finished music video, and you will be working close with several headliners such as Magazeen, Maybach Music’s
recent reggae artist, and T-Swagg – formerly the producer of Sean Paul’s “Just gimme the Light”. As well you recieve exposure through the video, which
will be televised international in Trinidad, and viral through youtube.

ATTN… Lordgyn “Gino” Belaziare will be performing the body art on set for the talent. http://www.illustratedink.net/tattoo.html

Send a at least 2 photos of yourself and a bio, or a short video to ramjamsmusic@gmail.com.

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