Salt Lake City Theater Auditions

  • Post category:Theater
  • Post last modified:09/27/2010
  • Reading time:2 mins read

New Works Theatre Machine (NWTM) is holding auditions for “Go To Hell”
Jeremey Catterton directs

GO TO HELL – an irreverent rock opera of sorts

All roles open, dynamic performance artists, dancers, and actors are needed to participate in alternative methods of performance building for the generation of this new work. Non AEA.
ABOUT AUDITIONS: Group Auditions. Group size will be limited and those auditioning are strongly encouraged to schedule an audition slot. No prepared material required. Those auditioning should prepare to work and move creatively in a group setting. Headshots and resumes are requested.
WHEN: October 9th
Block A: 12:00 – 1:00pm
Block B: 1:00 – 2:00pm
Block C: 2:00 – 3:00pm
*Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your audition block and plan on staying the full hour.
CALLBACKS: October 10th, 12:00 – 3:00pm
WHERE: The Utah Pickle Factory (741 S. 400 W. Salt Lake)
TO SCHEDULE AN AUDITION CONTACT: David Fetzer or 801-916-1308

The New Works Theatre Machine (NWTM), Salt Lake City’s only experimental theatre company, announces auditions for its inaugural and original production, GO TO HELL, an irreverent rock-opera of sorts written and directed by Jeremey Catterton.

Group auditions will be held in three 1 hour blocks between 12:00 and 3:00pm. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled audition block and plan on staying for the full hour.

As group sizes will be limited, actors must reserve a spot within their preferred time slot by contacting:
David Fetzer at or by calling 801-916-1308.

Walk-ins will be accommodated wherever possible. Headshots and resumes are requested.

GO TO HELL: A post-dramatic performance of Jaques Offenbach’s Orphee Aux Enfer. By surveying the history of dramatic/operatic stagings of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, Catterton and the ensemble of The New Works Theatre Machine will create a cracklingly original performance that will employ dance, multi-media, live music, and contemporary culture. Using Offenbach’s 1858 operetta as its primary source for story structure and music, GO TO HELL will also investigate the same myth as produced by composers Monteverdi and Gluck, as well as 20th century writer/directors Jean Cocteau and Reza Abdoh.