Town and Country Players Auditions | PA


Town and Country Players will embrace an open casting call, Sunday, July 18 and Monday, July 19 at 7 p.m. at Town and Country Players Barn, 4158 York Road, Buckingham, PA. Callbacks are planned for Tuesday, July 20 at 7 p.m. No appointment essential is necessary to audition and cold readings from sides avail. Performers should carry theater resumes and head shots.

The auditions will be for a role in “Little Women,” by British playwright Peter Clapham. The company is seeking 10 females and 5 men, to play roles age ranges 12 to mid-70s. Character breakdowns are available at One small role also open for one young girl, approx. 8-years-old. Minors will be auditioned closer to 7 p.m.

The show will be performed October 8, 9 (matinee and evening), 10 (matinee), 15, 16 (matinee and evening) and 17 (matinee). Also, there will be some scheduled publicity appearances, based on actors’ availability. Additional questions may be directed to