ABC Casting Game Show | Los Angeles


ABC is casting “Six Minds”, a trivia game show.

Los Angeles casting call for game show contestants. Open Call is scheduled for June 16th in Los Angeles.

“Are you great at solving riddles? Do you love word problems, puzzles, and logical trivia? If you answered “yes” then ABC is looking for you! We need smart, quick witted, game loving contestants who are ready to think outside the box. If this sounds like something you would be good at then we have a new prime-time game show where the prize will be one of the biggest ever”!!!

DO NOT BE LATE. We are giving you a shot at one of the biggest prizes ever given away on Network T.V. and you don’t want to start off on the wrong foot. Please dress like you want to be on a network game show. Don’t show up like you’re going to a pool party, that said you’re not going to a wedding either so dress nice but not sloppy.

Open Call:

June 16th – 11AM

Hollywood Production Center

1149 N. Gower St. LA, CA, 90038.

We will need you to line up outside our gate located on Gower St, someone from our office will be out there 15 minutes before the hour and tell you where to stand.

PLEASE FIND STREET PARKING! Read the signs to make sure you are legally parked. We will not pay for any parking tickets. DO NOT COME ON TO THE LOT!!! We have to walk you in so if you’re early please just wait outside someone will be out there shortly. Again congratulations this is a big opportunity and we look forward to meeting you.

Please come at 11am or 2pm!!!