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Auditions for Film “Truth Seekers”

TRUTH SEEKERS Gaylord Parsons / Eternal Light Films
Auditions for Indie SAg FEWATURE “TRUTH SEEKERS” – PRODUCTION June 4th thru June 20th 2010 in Atlanta Georgia

A dysfunctional family discovers the stunning truth about life before life – free will, and unconditional love.

Deferred Pay, Digital copy and meals.

This motion picture short will be submitted to the top 40 film festivals worldwide. Character of One Montoya shoud have world class martial arts skills. Reel required.

Casting the following roles:

Ellen Maze – late 30’s – early 40’s Female
Eloquent high society woman with tremendous intellectual elan. Decapitates her opponents with superior knowledge and self righteous venom. Also known as “Hurricane Ellen”.

Dana Killings – 30’s Female
Articulate highly educated woman with nuclear confidence. Prolific pro choice activist. The only woman on earth that can handle the Hurricane.

Marci Maze – 18 Female
Marci Maze 18
Benevolent good girl. A wounded healer who sacrifices herself to save others. Overwhelmed by her mothers wrath.

Savannah Rose – 60’s – 70’s Female
Dignity incarnate. Calm spiritual wisdom. Guides her grand daughter [ Marci ] to the the orphic truth.

Angela Morris – 30’s Female
Mild mannered. Simple. Preemptive strike maniac with paranoid delusional disorder. Distrusting of everyone accept her lifetime friend – Ellen,

Michael Maze – 40’s Male
Affable, optimistic college professor. Sees the bright side of life as a priority. Ellen’s husband.

Silk – 20’s Female
Seductive woman of intense sexual heat. Slaughters men with her raw physical appeal. Suffers from kleptomania. Tries to lure Marci into a life of crime.

Billy Bad Dog Baker – 18 Male
Arrogant, bull headed star quarterback at Madison high. Marci’s love interest.

Loco – 18 Male
Cunning, scheming, part time drug dealer. Billy’s best friend

One Montoya – 20’s – 30’s Male
Quiet grocery store clerk. Lives life by cold logic. Championship martial artist.

Send Submission to:
P.O. Box 474
Red Oak Georgia 30272

or truthseekersmovie@gmail.com

Please submit resume, reel and headshots by May 21st