Auditions for lead roles | CT


Posted by the Associate Casting Director
Casting notice posted on, casting location: TBD (Central CT)


Hello my name is Brandon and I am Associate Casting Director for the independent feature American Jubilee. This will be a CLOSED audition, with date and location of said audition to be released only to whom I correspond with.

The movie is scheduled to film in New Haven, CT and at multiple locations around central CT for the last two weeks of July and on weekends during August. The tentative dates for the role of KENZIE – 20 days – July: 17-22, 24-27, 29 & 31. August: 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 28 & 29; while the a dates for the role of OTIS – 17 days – July: 17-22, 24-28. August: 7, 8, 14, 21, 28 & 29.

We are currently looking for two of the lead roles to be filled, please email with your headshot and resume/contact info.

Role descriptions:
KENZIE McCormick – 20, average to thin build. Tries to fix things, engineer, very analytical/left-brainer, touchy, critical even of her family. Was offered many scholarships because of her ability to understand engineering/the mechanics of how the physical world works. She has in the past, battled with a coke addition that she has kept from her family. She is considering dropping out of school to save her family from destruction. To her surprise no one cares, but she still decides to do her best. Kenzie has a hair cut that looks like she took scissors to her hair, but it fits. She is her own person. She seeks the past but won’t openly admit it to herself. She fears the future and this is why she decides to try to save her family. She comes across to the family as being a hindrance, but they are so far gone into their own worlds, that they barely notice that she has moved back home. Might wear a orange leather jacket – funky spiky hair (her outer appearance is a remnant/residual thing from her past which she still holds on to). With all of her idiosyncrasies and issues regarding control – she is ultimately a good person and we see this when she cares more about Claude than the rest of the family appears to at times.

OTIS McCormick – 50s to 60s, average build. Womanizer. Retiring anesthesiologist. Through exposition we realize that OTIS has an affliction of causing women to be thoroughly interested in him – years of this and his floating from woman to woman (after he and his wife divorced and she passed) is what caused his nervous breakdown. He’s neurotic, has an emptiness due to loss of his wife (Lillie), but has never admitted this to himself, grim on inside, although he flees from his internal self, has a fear of real love. Wears an old black leather jacket from his past from time to time (which he still clings onto) – unshaven and ragged look (to an extant) – but not white trash or hippie – he used to be a professional and made a decent wage at his job as an anesthesiologist. But his former self is grabbing hold.

The film is non-union and will be unpaid. Meals will be provided to cast and crew during filming. Credit will be received.

Again, as it will be a closed audition, if you feel you fit one of the roles, please email with a HEADSHOT as well as RESUME and CONTACT INFO.

Thank you again for your time, hope to hear from you soon!

-Brandon Upson
Associate Casting Director, American Jubilee

Casting Location: TBD (Central CT)
Contact email: