Casting Feature Film | Nationwide


Casting feature film Johnny Christ written and directed by Mark Maggiori.


-Johnny (casting age 20-35) LEAD: looks late 20s, caucasion, angelic exterior, with worldly experience but chooses to participate in the darker side of life. Striking resemblance to a blond jesus, mixed with Brad Pitt in Kalifornia. Must be comfortable with nudity and simulated sex.

-Larry (casting age 35-45): caucasion, small town, hard living family man who can’t let go of his dreams of being a demolition derby champion but deep down lacks faith in himself. Similar look to Josh Brolin

-Vera (casting age 35-45): small town hard living mother and wife of Larry, disappointed with where her life has brought her, still has a strong core sex appeal about her under all of her layers of disillusionment. Plain features, caucasion, bright eyes. Must be comfortable with nudity and simulated sex.

-Madison (casting age 13-18):Caucasion- looks 15 with dual personality: one side perfect dream daughter, with a secret smart yet scandalous side to her. Pure and beautiful looking. Must be comfortable with partial nudity and simulated rape.

-Joshua (casting 13-18): typical small town 15 year old teenager, tough kid with a chip on his shoulder. Twin brother of Madison.

-Nancy (casting age 40-55) strong, small town woman. overweight, self righteous, conservative caucasion christian. closest friend to vera.

-Billy Goat (casting 65-75): old, retired caucasion biker with a dark and dangerous past. Rumored to have murdered many with ease back in his day. Scrawny, tattooed, mysterious introverted jesus lover.

Please submit headshot, resume and contact information by e-mail to, for consideration. If you are selected to audition, you will be contacted with audition information and sides. Casting throughout all of North America