Home » Auditions By Region » Los Angeles » Casting “Kids Court”

Casting “Kids Court”

Do you have an argument with your parent or teenager you can’t resolve or they are not happy with? For example, does your daughter want an iphone but you don’t think it’s necessary. Are you a teenage boy who wants a snake but your parents don’t think you should have one. Do you have a teenage girl who wants to sleep over at a boys house, or friends house, or wants a later curfew but you don’t think she should? Come be a part of a fun pilot and get experience at being in front of the camera and bring light to an ongoing issue!

This is non-airing but will be seen by a major production company- 3 Ball Productions. In the segment we’re shooting, the families’ issue that will be resolved by a tribunal of 10-year-olds in a “Kids Court”. If there is an unresolved family issue or something that the teenager wants that the parents don’t- then come resolve it in the first only “Kid’s court”. It will help bring light to the issue! And be a fun bonding experience. You (the parents and teenager) must be available for filming this saturday in Los Angeles.

If interested- email nate.taflove@eyeworks.tv Please send your name, ages, contact phone number and issue that needs to be resolved. Please put Kids Court in the subject line! For questions- call Nate at 424-241-8293