Casting Notice – Auditions for Comedic Play


Casting Notice

Auditions for four supporting roles in the hilarious, physical comedy, I Hate Hamlet. Auditions are being held by Freeport Players in Freeport, Maine and are scheduled for the weekend of April 17th. 2 auditions will be held, one in the daytime and one in the evening at the Freeport Performing Arts Center, Maine.

Synopsis: “Andrew Rally seems to have it all: celebrity and acclaim from his starring role in a hit television series; a rich, beautiful girlfriend; a glamorous, devoted agent; the perfect New York apartment; and the chance to play Hamlet in Central Park. There are, however, a couple of glitches in paradise. Andrew’s series has been canceled; his girlfriend is clinging to her virginity with unyielding conviction; and he has no desire to play Hamlet. When Andrew’s agent visits him, she reminisces about her brief romance with John Barrymore many years ago, in Andrew’s apartment. This prompts a seance to summon his ghost. From the moment Barrymore returns, dressed in high Shakespearean garb, Andrew’s life is no longer his own. Barrymore, fortified by champagne and ego, presses Andrew to accept the part and fulfill his actor’s destiny. The action becomes more hilarious with the entrance of Andrew’s deal-making friend from LA, spouting the laid-back hype of the Coast and offering Andrew a fabulous new TV deal worth millions of dollars. The laughs are nonstop as Andrew wrestles with his conscience, Barrymore, his sword, and the fact that he fails as Hamlet in Central Park.” (Dramatists Play Service, Inc.)

Roles Available (descriptions taken from script, may not be adhered to by director):

Felicia Dantine: real estate agent, 30s-50s, “imposing…a real estate agent with an almost carnal passion for Manhattan apartments. She speaks in a hoarse, buoyant voice, with a hint of Queens nasality, a jubilant New York honk.”

Deirdre McDavey: Andrew’s girlfriend, 20s, “the breathless soul of romantic enthusiasm…always on the verge of a swoon…a valley girl imagining herself a Bronte heroine”

Lillian Troy: Andrew’s agent, 60s, “striking, silver-haired woman…speaks with a regal German accent…no-nonsense manner, combined with delight at any sort of high-jinks”

Gary Peter Lefkowitz: Hollywood director, 30s, “personifies LA shaggy-chic…should be played as an extremely happy, overgrown child, an oddly appealing creature of pure appetite…reality is of very little consequence, the deal is all.”

Director: Dan Burson

Actors should be prepared to cold read from the script.

Auditions will be held 3pm Saturday, April 17 and 7pm Sunday, April 18 at Freeport Performing Arts Center.
Actors wishing to audition for “I Hate Hamlet” should e-mail Elizabeth at so we will know to expect you and can contact you if there are changes to the schedule. More about the play and the roles available has been posted at

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