Home » Reality TV » Major Cable Network Now Casting Moms of Teens

Major Cable Network Now Casting Moms of Teens

By | April 16, 2012

Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Nationwide
Are you a single parent working overtime or multiple jobs just to provide for your family? Are your children asleep by the time you get home? Does one of your children have to step up and help the other children in the house? OR are you a mom that loves to go out and have a good time? Have you gone through a major life change and feel the need to let loose? Do you feel like your children are now old enough to take care of themselves and now it’s time for you to start living out your dreams? Do you feel like your child tries to make rules and keep a schedule for you as if they are your parent? If this is your story or the story of someone you know then we want to hear from you!

Please send an email to jlegrandecasting@gmail.com and tell us a little about your story. Be sure to include your telephone number, a picture of yourself and a picture of your family.

Casting Location: Nationwide
Contact email: jlegrandecasting@gmail.com

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