Casting Theatrical Reading for “The Good People” in Ambridge, PA


Theatrical Reading of Good People

Location: Ambridge, PA

Type: Theater

Casting for theatrical reading to support new theatre capital campaign for new theatre in Ambridge PA.
Theatrical reading at Sweetwater and one at Laughlin Memorial Library

Readings take place Nov. 12 and 19th–must be available on those dates.
lead man–45-60 caucasian.
lead woman 45-60 caucasian
supporting man 20’s caucasian
2 supporting women 40-60 caucasian

September 3 and 4, 2016
348 Maplewood Avenue
Ambridge, PA 15003

Payment: Non Paid

City or Location of call: Ambridge, PA
Can register for Audition at

This casting notice was posted by: Iron Horse Theatre

Iron Horse Theater

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