Home » Auditions By Region » New York » NYC Actor Auditions for Stage Play “Eve of Beltrane”

NYC Actor Auditions for Stage Play “Eve of Beltrane”

By | September 2, 2016


Bowtie Productions in New York, NY is holding actor auditions for upcoming stage play “EVE OF BELTANE,” – an enchanting new play with music.

Seeking submissions from AEA members and non-union. AEA members must submit themselves directly to be considered (no agent or third-party submissions).

Paid stipends for developmental staged reading into workshop of an enchanting new play with music and dance that seriously looks at the themes of love and loyalty in the face of political corruption and social unrest while exploring a deeper look at the meaning of life and its festive celebrations embedded in ancient Celtic roots.


  • Derry O’Leary (Age range 55 65) – Irish /Accent. Jenny’s over-protective father, a widower, powerful political figure, yet forlorn and paranoid, seeking more in his personal life
  • Professor Kelson O’Leary (Age range 55 – 65) – Irish /Accent. Jenny’s college Irish Literature professor at Notre Dame who returns to Ireland for the Beltane Festival and to meet her family.
  • Johnny Aiden Miller (Age range 18-28) – British /Accent. Jenny’s betrothed, love of her life, father of her child yet to be announced. A British rocker, rebel poet with a heart of pure gold, sees in Jenny the love of his life beyond all time.
  • Six Dancers- male and female – modern, contemporary, ballet.


Johnny – Prepare 16 bars of a rock song / ballad showing range.

Bring sheet music for your song; a piano accompanist will be provided. Derry and Kelson – Two monologues; one contemporary, one classical; cold readings as well Dancers – be prepared for a technical and expressive combination that explores storytelling through movement All Applicants- Please bring a photo/resume stapled

When submitting please use subject: EVE OF BELTANE
(specify role Derry O’Leary; or Kelson; Johnny or Dancer)

Please submit Headshot, acting reel (singing for Johhny) and resume to :

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