Rush Call Around Yale and East New Haven, CT for TV Pilot Speaking Roles


Now I am Confused

Location: Around Yale and East New Haven, Ct

Type: TV Pilots

Casting Non-Union comedic pilot called, ‘Now I am Confused”
Directed by Kate Lanier / Cinematography: Sam Henriques
Shoots 11/28-Dec 2, 2017 in/around Yale and East New Haven.

All roles whether 1 line or 2 scenes are of equal importance for the success of this pilot’s witty & smart content.
Seeking talent that can create a distinct character with subtly.

Auditions tomorrow 11/14 some spots available
Wednesday 11/15 auditions near/on Yale Campus from 12-5pm
Please submit photo/resume asap for a scheduled appointment for Tomorrow or Wednesday. Sides will be sent upon receipt of submission.

Layla (Arab-American supporting lead) 19-22. Possesses a classic riveting beauty and grace. The only platonic sincere best friend of male both leads. She wears a hijab with dignity along with an effortless sense of fashion (i.e jeans and track jacket). Wicked smart and witty but only reveals these attributes when needed to keep Pat & Dylan from folly. She is their grounding force. small per diem.

Jordyn (Black College student 18-22/ supporting lead) Flawless beauty & perfected style. Inherent class&composure. Think “Claire Underwood” who longs for real connection but her carefully crafted ambition for the 4.0 GPA/6 figure success dictates her choices. She alternates between sincere and aloof.

Payment: Other
per diem and copy of pilot

City or Location of call: Around Yale and East New Haven, Ct
Please submit to:

This casting notice was posted by: Marlo Marron / Casting director / Houzman Productions

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