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New Dating Reality Show Casting Lead Female Ready To Meet “The One”

By | June 26, 2018

Do you know a great single woman who is ready to meet her perfect match?

A new dating show is now taking nominations for amazing women, to star in a reality show and possibly meet The One.

If you know a woman who is ready to star in her perfect love story, read on…

New Fox series is reaching out to find singles that are PERFECT for this incredible opportunity.  The show is casting an amazing single woman mid 30’s- early 40’s

We are scouring the nation looking for an incredible single woman to be our lead on a new relationship series on FOX. She is beautiful, kind, warm, charismatic and relatable. She is at a place in life where she is ready to start a family and meet her perfect match.

She will be the lead on this new series and will have the chance to meet and date hand-selected incredible bachelors who are at the same stage in life as she is- smart, attractive, successful and an all-around great person. We want to give this amazing woman the chance of a lifetime to find her “one”. This is an empowering show about a woman who has checked off all of her boxes and is pursuing her dream to start a family and find her match in her mid 30’s to early 40’s.

Nominate, Tag or share with someone deserving, beautiful and amazing! And please email me for more information about the show, This is a truly once in a lifetime opportunity and an inspirational series and journey. If this sounds like you or someone you know, I’d love to talk to you! I can be reached at Alexcasting23@gmail.com

2 thoughts on “New Dating Reality Show Casting Lead Female Ready To Meet “The One”

  1. Ashley Russell

    You may know me from the new reality show, To Rome For Love on Bravo TV. Well, going to Rome for love was an adventure. I actually met a man and fell madly in love with him, but to say the least; he wasn’t really for a serious relationship. So now I’m back at the drawing board. I’m totally the perfect catch. I’m in the medical field, I’m a business owner, and I’m also a motivational speaker. This opportunity would be ideal for me.


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