Theater Auditions in Chelsea, Michigan

  • Post category:Michigan / Theater
  • Post last modified:03/06/2023
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Chelsea Area Players

The Only Man in Town

Location: Chelsea Depot, 125 Jackson St. Chelsea, MI 48118

Audition / Call Type: Theater

The Only Man in Town, an original musical by Jason Eyster, tells the story of the rise and fall of Frank Glazier, the most prominent citizen in Chelsea at the turn of the century. This world premier is a classic tale of a successful entrepreneur who dominates the economic and political life of a small town, only to overreach and lose everything. It is also a saga of family love and loyalty. Set in the picturesque town of Chelsea during the Gilded Age, the story has relevance for contemporary life. The score features poignant ballads, spirited dance numbers, and witty lyrics. The Only Man in Town is a production of Chelsea Area Players.

Character Descriptions

(NOTE: “Age” is the age to be played, not necessarily the actor’s actual age. Because of the time-span of the play, certain characters involve both juvenile and adult actors.)

Frank Glazier Age: 30-45 / Vocal range: B2 to E4 / Dancing: waltz
A charismatic, visionary entrepreneur and leader. If Frank is in a meeting, most attendees will ask him to chair it. If they don’t, he’ll pick up the gavel anyway. Quick with a rhyme and laugh, he is talented at making his dreams into reality, whether an oil stove or a modern town—all by himself, but he cannot “play well with others,” whether they are community members or his own family, and if any impediment threatens his plans, he is ready to take an axe to it. On the cusp of becoming Governor of Michigan, he loses his status, his family, and his freedom.

Henrietta Glazier Age: 25-40 / Vocal range: C3 to E5 / Dancing: waltz
Frank’s wife, brought from Canada as an orphan, is affectionate, and fearful of abandonment. At first, she believes that, if she can keep their home beautiful, her family will be safe. She later learns that painting flowers on plates is not enough, and rises to protect her family.

Harmon Holmes Age: 50 to 65 / Vocal range: C3 to Eb4 / No dancing
A silent partner in many businesses, Harmon is loyal to his friends and to traditional values. A fussy dresser, he pokes a stickpin through his cravat. He is less successful initially at poking holes in Frank’s disruptive plans, but plays a leading role in getting Frank released from prison .

Harold Glazier (juvenile lead): Age: 2o’s / Vocal range: A#3 to A4 / No dancing
Despite dutifully attending business school and going to work in Frank’s Bank/Drugstore, Harold eventually spurns his father’s ever more outlandish demands and flees to Washington state to start an apple farm.

Betsy Evans (juvenile lead): Age: 20’s / Vocal range: B3 to E5 / No dancing
This down-to-earth high school teacher, a victim of Frank’s wrath, marries Harold Glazier and moves with him to a remote fruit farm in Washington state, reluctantly leaving her family and friends. Her sarcastic wit conceals her deep love for Harold.

George Glazier Age: 60’s / No dancing or singing
A self-made man, Frank’s father has worked hard all his life and always followed conservative business principles to gain success. A kindly grandfather to Frank’s children and a steady damper to Frank’s enthusiasms.

Young Harold Glazier Age: 8 / No singing, Moves well (simple waltz)
Frank’s young son would like nothing better than to be left alone with a book in the woods, but recognizes his father’s plans for him to take over the family businesses.

Very Young Vera Glazier (and, in last scene, Geraldine Howell) Age: 5 / Good dancing skills (for her age), very brief singing
Frank’s daughter is full of enthusiasm for her father ‘s plans even if she doesn’t understand them. Very young Vera returns in a dance in Frank’s dream.
Young Vera Glazier Age: 7 / Vocal range: B5 to C4 / Good dancing skills (for her age), very brief singing.
Frank’s daughter gets a job at the bank so she can earn money for a doll’s hat. She adores her Papa. Young Vera returns in a dance in Frank’s dream.
Adult Vera Glazier Age: 19 / Vocal range: B5 to C4 / Good dancing skills, very brief singing.
Always looking her best, with great fashion sense, Vera moves west with her husband, but dies after childbirth. She returns in a dance in Frank’s dream.

Edna Glazier Age: 13-17 / Vocal range: B5 to C4 / No dancing / (Optionally, plays the harp onstage, but not essential)
Mischievous and teasing, she is rich in friends at school, but a poor student.

O.T. Hoover, Editor, Adult / no singing or dancing
Hoover is the biggest booster of the town and of Frank Glazier. Definitely not an omniscient narrator, Frank’s downfall takes O.T. by surprise.

William Knapp, Adult / Vocal range: Bb2 to G3, no dancing
Member of Glazier faction. Frank’s right-hand man, he finds it difficult to oppose Frank’s will.

William Schenk, Adult / no singing or dancing
Member of Glazier faction. A town councilman and businessman

Judge Weist, Adult, non-singing part
Stern, but fair, he must weigh Frank’s good and bad qualities in determining the criminal sentence.

Lena Miller, Adult / Vocal range: C4 to D5, (tenor), no dancing
Member of Holmes faction. The town’s premier hat maker, plans won’t often succeed in town without her support.

Charles Kempf, Adult / Vocal range: C3 to C5, (lead), no dancing
Member of Holmes faction. Local businessman.

Frank Staffan, Adult / Vocal range: A2 to G4, (baritone), no dancing
Member of Holmes faction. Owner of a funeral parlor and other businesses.

William Bacon, Adult / Vocal range: E2 to C4, (bass), no dancing
Member of Holmes faction. A serious business and political opponent of Frank’s.

(NOTE: The size of the Chorus can be increased at Director’s discretion.)
Chorus members act as townspeople, WCTU marchers, saloon hostesses, and factory workers.
Singers who dance:
Female 1 and Female 2, Vocal range: B3 to Ab5
Male 1 and Male 2, Vocal range: B2 to G4

Dancers who sing
Female 3 and Female 4, Vocal range: B3 to E5
Male 3 and Male 4, Vocal range: B2 to E4

MINOR NON-SINGING PARTS (can be chorus members):
Visitor to Chelsea
Irate Customer
Saw-playing carpenter (optional)
B&B baseball team (optional, may be recruited from local vintage baseball teams)
Mrs. Vogel, who refuses to sign Henrietta’s petition

Payment: Requires Payment

City or Location of call: Chelsea Depot, 125 Jackson St. Chelsea, MI 48118
Please submit to: by 04/03/2023 6:00 PM

Auditions will be held April 3rd and 4th, 6:00 – 9:00 pm at the Chelsea Depot at the Chelsea Depot, 125 Jackson St. Those auditioning should be prepared to stay for the whole session

Participants coming to one of the first two general call days, April 3rd OR 4th should come prepared to sing 16 measures/one verse of a musical theater piece that best showcases their vocal range and overall sound. An accompanist will be provided so please provide music. If possible, bring lead sheets (chord symbols above a melody line, lyrics below), rather than fully notated sheet music, to facilitate accompaniment.

All attending should also expect to do cold readings from the script, in addition to some small group improvisation based on characters and scenes from the general storyline. Participants interested in roles that involve dancing should be prepared to move.

Those invited to return for callbacks, (April 5th) will be asked to read additional scenes from the script and may also be asked to learn and do sight singing from specific musical numbers.

Auditioners should also bring a list of conflicts between April 6 and June 11, and June 17th & 18th to include on their audition form. Most rehearsals will take place Monday-Thursday evenings from 6:00-9:00 P.M., 2-4 nights per week, depending on the size of their role. NOTE: Full cast members should be prepared to attend ALL evening rehearsals during dress rehearsal week, June 4th—8th!

The cast list will be announced through email notification and a cast list on the CAP website. Audition questions can be directed to

This casting notice was posted by: Chelsea Area Players

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