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Casting Dogs for TV “It’s me or the dog”

By | March 22, 2013

Still casting “It’s me or the dog”. Have a really out of control pooch? This may be for you!

The producers of “It’s Me or the Dog” are  searching for owners of misbehaved dogs for a new season of the popular Animal television program, It’s Me Or The Dog.  If you’re the owner of one (or more) out-of-control dogs, or you have a pooch who’s an obedience school drop-out, we want you! The casting team is looking for dog-owners from every type of background who are ready for the ultimate doggy make over.

E-mail us at Dog@ShedMediaUS.com with the following information:

  • Name
  • Contact Info
  • City
  • Dog Issues
  • Photos of all household members and dogs