Clownsville The Musical for 2010 Boulder Fringe Festival

  • Post category:Colorado / Comedy
  • Post last modified:05/18/2010
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Clownsville The Musical for 2010 Boulder Fringe Festival
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Boulder, Colorado
This is the story of an office drone named Thomas, who falls asleep at his desk, and wakes up in an imaginary Oz-like realm he invented as a child called, Clownsville . Once there, he must help them find lost Clownsvillian Tom Tom. In finding Tom Tom he rediscovers himself. Clownsville is a musical comedy for all ages about reconnecting with your inner child and following to your dreams.
We are casting comical performers with singing voices, a wide variety of ages, and types. Clowning experience a plus, but not necessary. Auditions will begin this Wednesday May 19Th through Friday May 21st, then Monday May 24Th Through Wednesday May 26Th. Please submit resume and contact info to set up and time and day that works best for you. Auditions will be held at 5763 Arapahoe Ave. Suite P in Boulder. Be prepared to sing a few bars (song of your choice) and you can either bring a comedic monologue, or just read a few lines from the script.

Please go to our website at and click on the “Now Casting” section for a break down of the roles performance dates and times.

Rehearsals will tentatively begin the week of June 1st.

Thank you

Carlos Heredia
Hip Hip Heredia Theatre Company
5763 Arapahoe Ave Suite P
Boulder, CO 80303

Casting Location: Boulder, Colorado
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