Food Network Casting Restaurant Battle

  • Post category:Reality TV
  • Post last modified:12/14/2010
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Have you ever dreamed of running your own restaurant?

Two person teams with existing relationships: Husband/ wife, siblings, parent/child, twins, newlyweds, etc.

Those with the skills to run a restaurant: Applicants can have lots of restaurant experience, no restaurant experience or some combination of both. One member of the team will run the “back of the house” and one member will run ” the front of the house.”

Those with lots of personality: Teams must be charismatic and outgoing! Must have lots of energy!

For consideration please send: 2 recent photos of you and your partner, an explanation of how you know your partner and what your relationship is like, the type of restaurant you are interested in opening, and why opening a restaurant is your DREAM! please rsvp to