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Student Film Casting NYC

By | June 10, 2012

A Bolt, A Bird
This notice was posted on auditionsfree.com

location: NeW York, New York

Category: Student Films

“A Bolt, A Bird” is a short 10-minute film based around known events in the life of Nikola Tesla. Tesla is one of the most significant inventors in history – but much of the recognition he received came after his death. In fact, toward the end of his life, he was almost entirely bereft of money and company. In the film, our underrated genius tries to maintain some sense of control in a cruel and chaotic world at war.

Main Character: Nikola Tesla
An inventor who is both ahead of his time and left behind by it. He takes solace in the company of pigeons.

Age: 60 and older, preferably older than 70
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White/Slavic – Serbian/Eastern European actors preferred
Height: Over 6′ – ideally 6’6”
Weight: Quite thin – underweight

Ideal Physical Description: Sliver-gray hair that could be slicked back – a nice simple mustache. Long nose, high cheekbones, sunken eyes.

Supporting Actor: Jack O’Neill
A journalist caught between his high intensity job and his high maintenance counterpart. He has a learned sense of calm kindness.

Age: Middle aged, 40s-50s
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White – Preferably Irish Descent
Height; 5’8”-5’11”
Weight: Average, perhaps a bit over

Red hair and a soft, boyish face. Well, as boyish as you can get at middle age. Wears a pair of small round silver glasses.

Supporting Actress: Waitress
Short hair, brown preferred but flexible. Needs a little spunk to get through the doldrums of her daily routine.
AGE: 25-40
Ethnicity: Preferably White but open to other submissions
Height: Flexible
Weight: Thin to Average.

Please submit Headshot, Resume, and Reel (if you have one to show), to oliverhorvat@me.com. The film is a lo/no/deferred pay project – copy, credit, and food provided.

Audition TBD, Shooting Dates are July 27th, 28th, and 29th. Plan to shoot using the Red One Camera.

Job type: Non Paid

Casting Location: NeW York, New York
Contact email: oliverhorvat@me.com

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