NBC “Chicago Fire” Seeking Real Firefighters

  • Post category:Chicago / Extras
  • Post last modified:12/18/2013
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Yep, that’s right, the fictional show about firefighters “Chicago Fire” is looking to cast some real firefighters and firefighter cadets as paid extras on the Chicago area show.

“Chicago Fire” is NBC’s TV show based on, a firehouse in Chicago. The show revolves around a fictional Chicago Firehouse, firehouse 51. “Chicago Fire” dives into the lives, both professional and personal, of the firefighters and paramedics of the fictional Chicago Fire Department and firehouse 51. Chicago Fire was created by Michael Brandt and Derek Haas. The show stars Jesse Spencer, Taylor Kinney and Monica Raymund.


Are you a real firefighter in Chicago that has a few open days around mid-January? If so read on….

“Chicago Fire” Filming after Christmas starting, January 7th through January 18, we will be casting firefighter cadets and are searching for real firefighters, ages 20’s/30’s, all ethnicities, to work as paid non-speaking extras. Searching for Chicago firefighters, and suburban firefighters.

We have been having a blast working with all the real firefighters and creating these training scenes. If you want to be considered to work one or two days during this next episode please send in your photograph in your station gear, or bunker gear, with your height, weight, age, and phone number to extra.326@gmail.com and put “Jan FF” in the subject line.

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