Rapper, Beatboxer Audition

  • Post category:New York city
  • Post last modified:01/18/2013
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Where: New York
This casting notice was posted on auditionsfree.com

Type: Theater

# How to apply
* Submit your Documents
– Video (or direct us to a You tube link to show off your skills)
– Applicant Profile (Please, list what skills you can do. – MS word format)
* Qualification
– You must be able to stay abroad legally.
* The Deadline for Submitting: Jan.27, 2013
* We will send an e-mail to the selected applicants to notify them of rehearsals by Jan.31, 2013.
* The Audition Dates: Feb.5-6, 2013. 6-9 p.m.
— It will conduct targeted the selected applicants.
** www.bibap.co.kr
*** To apply: bibapauditionny@gmail.com

The famous Korean musical ‘Bibap’ is looking for talented entertainers. They must possess intermediate to advance skills in the following techniques and/or styles: Hip-hop, B-boying, Beatboxing, and/or Acrobatics. Bibap is not only playing in Korea but is also going into the overseas market. It would be a huge opportunity for you guys. Here is your chance to become a famous star in a musical.
Additionally, we are also seeking for a female singer who sings “All That Jazz” of musical Chicago.

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: New York
Please submit to: bibapauditionny@gmail.com

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