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“Constantine” TV Series Casting Sudanese Actors for Principle Roles in Atlanta

By | August 9, 2014

Atlanta Casting is looking for Sudanese men in the Atlanta Georgia area for the new TV series “Constantine“.

Sudanese actors or maybe those who would like to be actors have a chance to be cast in a new NBC television series. The show is looking to fill some principal roles and they want REAL Sudanese men. “Constantine” is seeking men  men 18+ and asking those who fit the specs to submit their information ASAP.

The new series will be based on the “Hellblazer” comics and star Matt Ryan as John Constantine, a man haunted by past sins that ends up fighting evil and the dark forces that may be lurking about.

Neil Marshal will direct the show that will also star Harold Perrineau, and Charles Halford. Lucy Griffiths was set to play the female lead, but the word now is that Lucy is out. Lucy was part of the pilot and the studio made a decision to not recast her role, but rather replace it with a different female character. OK, so Liv is out and Zed is in.As of last week, who was going to play the role of Zed was still up in the air.

The new NBC series “Constantine” is currently filming in the Atlanta area and will premiere on NBC this fall.

MHC released the following notice:
We are casting a television series and would like to hire real Sudanese men 18 – 60 years plus years old,these are Principle roles $$$
They can email us directly a few snapshots and age and a cell number- we will respond quickly.
please email a picture and contact and age to this email address constantinemhc@gmail.com
Thanks and please share- the director wants real Sudanese men

NBC constantine show casting principal roles in Atlanta

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