Cambridge MA – Casting for Student Film Project


Casting 2 roles (Male and Female) for student film in Massachusetts. 

Location: Harvard University, Emerson Hall Room 106, 19 Quincy Street Cambridge, MA 02138

Type: Student Films

En route to his family’s annual Christmas party, Charlie Biel spots a hitchhiker. Her name is Mackenzie, and she’s made a life of running from her problems. Noticing her similarities to his late daughter– and feeling generous during the holidays– Charlie offers her a ride. On their mini road trip, the two strike up an unusual friendship. As their stories unfold, Charlie and Mackenzie come to grips with certain nightmares , truly growing from their experience together.

[GENDER: MALE] [AGE: 45-55]
Charlie has been stuck in a rut since his daughter passed away years ago. His marriage has been suffering considerably and he’s at whit’s end. His biggest problem is, perhaps, that he is too stubborn. His relationship with Mackenzie causes him to evolve and acknowledge his own flaws ,which is an a result of his core optimism and hopefulness.

Mackenzie has recently derailed after being rejected from her dream school, Julliard. Having planned her whole life around her eventual degree in the musical arts, she commits arson in the heat of her emotions. Then flees town in favor of a hitchhiker’s life. She is brash, angsty and blunt. Her naivety has lead her down an aimless path of uncertainty.

Payment: Non Paid

City or Location of call: Harvard University, Emerson Hall Room 106, 19 Quincy Street Cambridge, MA 02138
Please submit to: by 1994-09-19

This casting notice was posted by: Samantha Spielberg, Keene State College

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