Casting Families Nationwide Who Deserve an International Dream Vacation for “Vacation Creation”


Vacation Creation Show

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Type: Reality TV



Pitman Casting and new show “Vacation Creation” show seeking individuals with great stories of overcoming obstacles who deserve the chance to partake in an international vacation of their dreams.

A Major broadcast network, in conjunction with the with the world’s leading cruise lines is now casting a new television series that takes individuals with compelling personal stories on a transformational cruise of a lifetime.

Seeking wide range of stories from serious life and family issues to more light hearted wish fulfillments. Stories can include family bonding, healing personal tragedies, repairing relationships, exploring your ancestral background, celebrating a wedding, vow renewal or milestone, or simply giving mom and dad the dream vacation they have always deserved.

Each voyage will be custom designed to speak to your personal story, bring people together and make dreams come true.

If you or someone you know is deserving of a vacation please tell us why.

We would love to hear your story!






To be considered please apply via our Online Casting Application Link below:

Please share the casting with friends, family or anyone else that you would like to nominate who also deserves a vacation.

City or Location of call: Los Angeles, CA
Please submit to:

This casting notice was posted by: Pitman Casting

47 thoughts on “Casting Families Nationwide Who Deserve an International Dream Vacation for “Vacation Creation”

  1. Susan Shepherd

    Desperately need help – vacation creation: Hi Susan here, I really need help to give my mom the best trip of her life. My mom is a 3 time cancer survivor. My mom and dad met over 62 years ago when my dad was a lifer vet. In air force 22 yrs. and met in Japan when he was stationed there since my dads passing in 2006 my mom hasn’t seen or heard from any relatives in Japan and has not returned in over 30 yrs. For the last 2 years she has been fighting stomach cancer then 2nd time liver cancer and now its spread in between. She’s a fighter 4’10” tall, 62 lbs, soak n wet. But we found out a couple of months ago she will be on cancer meds the rest of her life. She’s 84 now, but since married to my father, she had had and raised 4 children and she lost her parents at early age. None of us children have never met her side of the family or have ever been to Japan. With limited money, none of us are able to give her chance to show us her heritage and life in Japan. Please vacation creation, if you can see it in your heart to bring this last chance and wish, I would be in debt to you as she really deserved this. Thank you Susan S.

  2. Maggie jones

    My mom has been a single mom for 18 years. She has worked two jobs to keep us in our home. Our family will ha e three girls in college this August. Our dad left mom when my older sisters were four and six. Mom was expecting me when dad left. Mom never asks for anything. She kept us in sports and extra stuff she says to keep us out of trouble. Mom also has us volunteer with a shelter and landmark park and wiregrass foods and gift program before school starts in August and at Christmas too. Please do something special for my mom because she helps other people but does nothing for herself. She goes to yard sales for house stuff and stuff she needs. I will be at troy univ. In troy next fall and need your company to do something for mom. Thank you. Maggie Jones. If you have a trip to Europe, my middle sister lives there now for a nursing job.

  3. Dr.Stephanie Wynn

    I want to send my daughter and father on a trip to Belize or Canada. We all are Ministers. I just became an ordained Minister. My daughter is a young women who was very active with youth ministry in our church and she started working and school and needs a break to see the rest of world and to continue God’s work. Dad had three strokes and I have an eye impairment. So we are older and she helps with her life and our lives and she has been through with her own life. This trip will be special to help all of us who lost my mother to breast cancer at 47 years old. I would be happy to travel with them abroad.Thank you, Dr.Stephanie Booker-Wynn.

  4. Lisa Lucas

    Lilly was born deaf and has mitochondrial malfunction resulting in a metabolic disorder. She now has cochlear implants and drinks 6 ensure a day because she chooses not to eat (I really don’t think she can smell or taste or something?!?) she’s 10, avid reader, mainstreamed in school with an IEP, takes piano, loves animals and is a great kid….and sneaky…

    I’m a local school teacher, 18 years in the same school my dad went, was a 1st grade teacher and now I’m the art teacher for k-5…its awesome. 4 years ago I filed for divorce after discovering Lilly’s dad was a type 1 diabetic AND alcoholic he’s doing much better now.

    I fell in love with a small town blue collar limestone miner and married rather quickly for both of our 10 year old girls, distance, financial and because he just couldn’t keep me from smiling! Then in April 2017 he was hurt at work – after 24 years was forced to retire – denied workman’s comp – we have a lawyer – but things got tough real fast…again, I teach. Not really living in a one salary neighborhood. But being this broke has taught me how hard it is to keep the roof over your head and utilities on.

    We need a family bonding trip to relieve stress, let Big Daddy rest, no fussing at Lilly, maybe Lilly would eat?! Camille loves to eat! We all love shows and musicals, we just can’t afford to travel right now, we do have a condo at the beach reserved for my birthday in June but that’s because I made it happen and got a deal.
    I’m tired. So tired. The house, bills, cats and dogs and ensures and meds and laundry mountain and dishes and insurance companies being absolutely unfair!!!
    You know what mama got for Christmas?!
    Yeah the flu and bronchitis!
    Help me please!

  5. Denise Rhyan

    My daughter Latasha has cancer, it comes and goes. She is a master barber her customers refuse to allow any other barber to assist them in any way. Latasha can be ill for 2-3 months, they will wait. She is so loved by her customers, family and friends. That’s why I Denise Rhyan feel that Latasha deserves a vacation away from working so many long hours at the salon to satisfy other people.

  6. Dewayne Williams

    My wife was abused as a young girl, the mental effects gave her courage not to let her 6 children experience the abuse she had endured by putting a bright and shiny life around them stressing the importance of education. One of the children has a disability. His heart is so unique with people that his disability is not seen because of his kindness.
    My wife for the last 4 years have suffered from a diabetic disease called gastrointestinal which does not allow her to keep food down, watching her go from 140lbs to 99 lbs. Her dream is to go on a vacation dream before leaving this earth, the problem is she puts the family before her self. All the finances she directs at giving her children a better life. I would love for her to have the adventure of a lifetime, because she is the model of a mother protecting her cubs no matter how sick she is. Her handicapped son is always talking about taking mom somewhere, he does not understand her sickness, I feel the adventure of a lifetime would help bring her spirits up an give determination to keep fighting. Thank you for the chance to write you.

  7. Shaquan

    I believe my mother should have the vacation of her life. She has been through so much from domestic violence to have to take care of 4 kids on her own with, to being shot and to getting married again taking on 9 kid all by her self with her husband. She was almost like the single mother and had to get her kids out of trouble as well as take care of all of us. She really never got to fulfill her dream as an artist because she had kids to take care of. I just want to see my mom have a good time and be stress free for just one time in her life.

  8. Tupanga

    My mom has 6 kids, she would have 8 but June 24,2017 but they passed away. Mom has not stopped thinking about them. I am her oldest child and my name is Tupanga I am really hoping that we all get this opportunity, normally my sister will come home crying because she gets bullied . Mom’s boyfriend wants to get us a vacation. I have wanted to be a singer and my mom’s boy friend has been trying to help me get out of my shell but I just want this opportunity for my mom and her boyfriend.
    Tupanga (oldest child

  9. Ester M Vasquez

    So,after a bad divorce from 25 year marriage, I continued to work as a NICU nurse. I have been nursing since 1976. My mom,and my two sisters have always been there. My mom is no longer with us. In December 2015 I was diagnosed with kidney cancer, had surgery in Feb 2016 and survived it. My sister’s again were my emotional and financial support. Then I attempted to work again but RA was affecting my work. Then in DEC. 2016 I had a mammogram and breast cancer was found. I had a lumpectomy in April 2017 followed by another lumpectomy same month along with lymph node removal. Followed with radiation and I was unable to return to work as a nurse due to RA and health deteriorated. Again, would not have been able to survive without my sister’s. I would love to enjoy a trip of a lifetime with them because we never know how long we have.

  10. Lisa

    It’s been a very hard 3 yrs for my fiancee and I… He has had 8 surgeries in the last 3 yrs. We haven’t been able to go out and enjoy life.. We almost lost our home but thank God sent us special angels in our lives that helped us. I hope we are on the upside. We need to be able to enjoy and reconnect as a couple again… Instead of nurse and patient.

  11. Samiya

    Me and my family have ran into many hard obstacles when I was a child, and now that I’m 16 we still experience some hard times. We haven’t been on any trips for the last 10 years, we really need a trip away from all the problems in the world. We need a family day where we can be happy, laugh, just be grateful. We stress a lot over things that happen here and there, we cant even afford a planned trip sometimes. So I appreciate if we can go on this trip. This will change our lives and how we look at things. Thank You!

  12. Tabitha neahring

    I want to nominate my mom. She has done so much for me and my brother and our children. She raised us as a single parent with no child support but always managed to keep us fed clothed and happy. She has diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, failed back surgery and other things but still takes my kids to appointments or attends school functions or drives them to be with friends. She’s there for everything but she gets nothing for herself. She always wanted to travel the orient express as her love for nature and trains is abundant. She will never be able to afford it and knows it’s just a dream. I wish I could give her one thing she wanted as she has given me everything I’ve ever needed and a lot of unconditional love.

  13. Linda Slachta

    Hi, I would like to tell my story to be nominated to win the vacation of a lifetime! I have been through so much grief and hard times in my life that I just need time to start over and be happy and laugh again! I’ve always been that black sheep all through school and life it seems. But the hardest times started in 2002 when I lost my Dad to a heart attack. My Dad was my world and I felt when I lost him I lost everything.Then just a few months later in 2003 I lost my brother at the age of 37 to a heart attack too. These were the worst times of my life because I was so close to both of them,and we did everything together. I fell into a deep time of grieving and drinking to hide my pain away. Then in 2005 things changed for me and I had Gastric bypass surgery and lost 215 lbs. Then through changing jobs I met my husband in 2007 and we have been together every since. We had our first son in 2008 and put together our wedding six months later, with me cooking for a week and having it at our local firehall,being marrried by the mayor. So we didn’t have that big wedding because we couldn’t afford it but we made due. We also bought our house that year and we seen to have that black cloud hanging over our heads all the time. Finances are always a problem and in 2010 we had our second son. They are my world and I want them to be able to see and do things like I grew up able to do with my family. But again the black cloud is always there and we can’t shake it. Do the years roll on and this year right before my youngest birthday, I was in a near fatal accident and wound up in the hospital for his birthday and Halloween and unfortunately they had to see me in the most scariest and horrific shape I was ever in. Through driving up to the scene of the accident with their dad and seeing them pull me out of the vehicle on its side, whisked away to the hospital in ICU in a coma for over a week, not knowing if I was going to be OK or not, and seeing me with the ventilator helping me to breathe, and all bruised, and then having to put the IV port in my neck just lying there not moving or waking up, the whole situation so scary. Then I. finally woke up but I couldn’t remember certain things and unbelievably moving me to a room and sending me home after only waking up the day before. So we thought things were going to be alright and I went home and went to sleep and again didn’t wake up! So again another tragic moment for my husband and sons to come home to,me unresponsive and blue by the time I got to the hospital.. So back through the whole ordeal again and then another lengthy stay in the hospital. Finally to get out about a month later. Now to be home with my family but still with that black cloud overhead. Only having our house to be put up for a sheriff sale coming up in February. Now we have to try and save our house or have to deal with getting thrown out with nowhere to go. Please help our family have a memorable vacation of a lifetime to remember! We really need this so bad! Please blow that black cloud away for even just a short amount of time and send us somewhere warm with a beautiful ocean and beach, we love the surf and sand or anywhere you choose, makes no difference to us!

  14. Jamie Devine

    Hi my name is Jamie Devine and I found out in July of 2012 that I had lupus in my kidneys. I have stage 4 kidney disease and lupus on top of that. The lupus that I have as well, it’s a life-threatening disease. I had a stroke in my left eye and I can’t see out of it. I just felt like this was taken away from me and my family. I have the type of Lupus that can affect your organs and your blood and everything so it’s the worst type of Lupus that there is. The last five to six years now, I’ve been in a living hell. I would love to be able to take a family vacation to a quiet place like Hawaii just to get away for us.

  15. Deb Bonin

    Hi, my name is Deb. I am a 57 yr old Grandma from Canada. Due to struggles with my daughters marriage I have not been able to see my 3 grandchildren from her marriage. I had to go to court for visitations and it cost me thousands of dollars. At one point I quit my job to visit and then the visit was denied. I also have 2 grandchildren from my son. The whole family has been torn apart from this and now that I have visitation of sorts I would love to finally be able to bring my whole family together to meet again and to become family once again. Thanks so much for considering us.

  16. Johnetta Perkins

    My name is Johnetta Perkins, I’m a mother of three wonderful children, two sons and a daughter. I was a single parent so my kids and I were very close and I’m very proud of the people they grew up to be. Over the past seven years I’ve lost my baby sister to cancer before that my older sister died of cancer and now my sons both has been diagnosed with cancer, my older son who is 46 has colon cancer which now has spread to his liver and my baby boy is 44. He has bone and skin cancer in his legs. I pray a lot for my heart is heavy. My boys has never been on a cruise and I would sure love for my family to enjoy a cruise together while we can. my boys can’t do a lot of walking but just to be on a cruise with the family would be an awesome memory and a blessing! Please help make this memory for my family. God bless you!

  17. Diana Rhoades

    My friends Dick and Sandy Miller will be celebrating their 50 WEDDING anniversary. Dick had cancer surgery that resulted him being in the hospital for approximately 2 years. Sandy struggled having to pay bills and make sure her husband was taken care of. They always make sure everyone is taken care of before be there selves. It is there turn

  18. Awilda Guerrero

    hi! my name is awilda guerrero
    I want to surprise my son and wife;
    He’s been dreaming about surprising his wife with a cruise too Greece, but I this time is so hard for both.
    A little of his life: at age 15 staring doing not good : gangs. all you can mention at the st. he was stabbed 3 times on he’s back almost didn’t make it. But God is good. at 18 did 2 years in jail. He made it. got out, married hes girl that waited for him, he did 360 change hes life’ served God and have 5 kids; great dad and mom, hard working man; getting up 4am til 3:30pm. Bought a house, sometimes he struggled with monthly payments but made it. I would like to give him the best surprised ever, they deserved it. I am so happy that today I have my son alive. Appreciation from the bottom of my heart.

  19. Kerri Salley

    Sure hope I’m doing this right! My story is not a sad one, it’s one about love and the fight to keep love and marriage alive? My husband and I have been married for 22 yrs now granted we have had our ups and down about 4 years ago we split for about 6 months. We decided our love for each other was stronger then we even thought, but in order to hit the refresh button we had to move, start fresh and that’s what we did. Ever since getting back together my husband (Kyle) has shown me everyday even if only in a small way how much he appreciates me! I would love to show him how much I appreciate him with this vaca. If you pick us. As I always told everyone you work at your job, you work to keep your body health, so why wouldn’t you work at your marriage. A ring on your finger doesn’t mean you can just stop working on a relationship. So this is why I’m writing. Hope to hear from you. Love your show! I have respect for what your doing. Keep up the great work!

  20. Estefanie Torres

    My mother and father have done everything they can to raise three children in a neighborhood that isn’t the wealthiest. My mom battling from colon cancer for a majority of my life (9-10 years) has finally received news about ending this terrible nightmare. In about a month or so, a surgery should take place to remove every ounce of cancer from her body. My father has done more than enough to support our family with his construction job being my mom has been unable to work. I believe once my mom recovers from this surgery they deserve a vacation. I’ve never seen more hardworking people in my life, my mom wakes up every single day to clean, clothe and hold down our household while my dad even works weekends for a paycheck. They’ve been my rock and I hope I’ve done the same for them. They are the strongest people, and I really think they deserve the world.

  21. Emily Davis

    My mom’s name is Irene Davis. She’s from Argentina. She came into this country 27 years ago with only one dollar in her pocket and only speaking Spanish. Throughout my moms life, she’s giving up everything to not seeing her brothers for 15 years to giving up having a little vacation because we have to pay for a college tuition that still we still can’t afford.My mother is a single mom working two jobs and still trying to make everything work out for me.My mom is my hero, if I could give her the moon and the stars, I’d give her the universe. This is a opportunity I wish to give to my mother who works to the max every single day, who is also a cancer survivor and nothing seems to stop her; but she needs a break before all the stress effects her health anymore than it already has. I love my mother more than anyone on the planet. So please, give my mom the opportunity for her to have a break in life, and not have to worry. Thank you so much for giving people this chance to help families giving them a connection they’ll never forget.

  22. Dora Alcala

    Hello Texas here, just wanted to share my story. I’m the oldest of 4, 2 girls and 2 boys. And my family could use a family reunion of just us 4. We been apart trying to spend more family time with each other. We are getting older and it would be a dream of mine to get together and spend brother and sister time. This would be a huge blessing. Thank yoy.

  23. Sonia Pagan

    My name is Sonia Pagan, I am a single mother of 5 children. My oldest is 22, then my 15 yr old Alina, 13 yr old Juan, and 8 yr old twins Romeo and Juliet. On June 29, 2016 Juan ( at the time was 11) was shot in the head rescuing his older sister and the twins. Alina and the twins were outside playing when two people pulled out guns two houses down from us and started shooting at a car at the corner. My kids ran on the porch and tried opening the screen door but they couldn’t. So, Juan (who was in the house)ran to the door before I could. Alina threw Juliet in and as she was about to throw Romeo in, Juan got shot in the middle of his head and it came out through the right side. He went to 3 different hospitals for his recovery and the doctors doesn’t know how he recovered fast. He’s walking and talking but not only is he doing better then the doctors thought, he still has to go through therapy because he passed 8 times and had a seizure so now they need to work on his left side. He’s also not my only sick child, since this happened my 15 yr old daughter has a lot of health issues as well. She has seizures, strokes, migraines, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes,and in 2011 she got hit by a car so she has leg problems. When my son got shot we couldn’t live back in that same house it was traumatizing, so we were living in the hospitals. Then we were forced back in our house and we had gotten threatened out. So, we were homeless for months and it was hard being homeless with 4 kids. We needed help so we contacted the Mayor and he didn’t help so I had to do everything that I can to make sure my kids are ok…..So if you can contact me we would love a vacation please. And you can go on Google and type in the Juan Rodriguez story: the 11 yr old boy who got shot. Thank you and have a blessed day.

  24. Brenda Smith

    I’ve raised three children by myself. They are now grown and have children of their own. Being a single mother, we always experienced some kind of struggle, or disappointments. Never ever took my kids on vacation. Now I’m disabled and in a wheelchair, my mother died four years ago, and as a family we are broken, because she was the glue that held us together. Seems like my health went down since she died. We need something like this to give us a second wind. Please allow my family to experience, this chance to realize there is more to life than, food stamps, and barely making ends meet. IF ONLY FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS. WE NEED A LITTLE Happiness. I always said to myself , when I raise my children, I will one day take a trip like this, and this would be my graduation present to myself well deserved

  25. Janice Norris

    I want to take my 6 yr old grand daughter on a vacation as she wants to go to Disney world. I just don’t have the money can you help?

  26. Andrea Smith

    My daughter Iisha James lost her father in 2016 from liver cancer. She is that child that when it is said honor your mother and father. She is that child she quit her job to help take care of her father. she could have lost her house and car to take care of him. She stayed up nights to take care of him for me. She loved her father so much that she is having a hard time. Her best friend Afyia was right there for us and we are her adopted parents. No she adopted us. When my husband died, I had nothing and she stepped in and took care of everything. These two girls are exceptional women. My daughter needs to go to a far away place so she can laugh again. She is so sad. Please help me make her laugh again. Andrea Smith (mother)

    1. Lin Faurie

      This request is totally different in that it does not involve a family member of mine but, rather, a woman who has been “mom” to literally thousands of abandoned and sick animals, especially felines. Lynea created the Cat House on the Kings in Parlier, CA almost 25 years ago. It has grown to 12 acres on the Kings River and is a no kill, no cage rescue. The average monthly amount of animals at the rescue is between 800-1,000. This rescue is run solely through donations, nothing more. Lynea and her dream rescue almost went bankrupt three different times. She is a tireless worker and her only vacations are every Wednesday when she leaves her rescue to buy food, litter, etc. for the animals while she visits Walmart, Costco, etc. Truly, we think of her as somewhat of a living saint. Her continuous giving is her only pleasure but I sincerely feel this woman is MUCH in need of a real, actual vacation away from the shelter. Heck, my friend and I will even move into the rescue while she’s gone, in order to make sure things continue to run as smoothly as possible. I would love to see Lynea actually become more familiar with the word “REST!”

  27. tasha

    My mum calls my youngest brother a rainbow baby cause she had 2 miscarriages then my youngest brother Jake. So I would like this opportunity. My story is long but that everything that has happened in me and my family lives. I hope me and my family get this opportunity

  28. tasha

    well there’s 4 kids in the house and my mum and dad there’s 6 of us living in our house. I really want this opportunity for me and my mum and dad and siblings. I just don’t want any more bad news and want a good holiday and some good news. We hardly have any good news. I would really appreciate it if me my sibling and mum and dad got this opportunity. We were living with my nan till she died cause we lost our house and car when I was younger. We lost everything so then when my nan died we had to go and live with the family, it was loads of housing and then we got a house so we have been through so much. Please can we have this opportunity, it will give us the chance to have a great holiday and good news so please. My stories are long but we have had so many bad things happen to us. I would love this chance for me and my family. I am only 15 and I have older siblings but we all have had so much happen to us.

  29. Jordyn

    My mom (Stephanie Mckinnie) and my aunt ( Jacqueline Mckinnie). Are two powerful women in my life. My mom has raised me my two sisters and little brother all by herself, she has been through so much and she never takes time for herself. I would really love for that to change. My aunt I have lived with for almost a year now has taken me in as one of her own. I left so my mom wouldn’t have to worry about having to take care of all of us. In which I was fine with because I understand, but since I have moved out here I have went from a failing student to an honor student. And I just want them to go have a great time and not have to worry about anything for a change I love them both so much. Could you help me show them how much I appreciate them pleaseee.


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