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Auditions for Movie Lead Role in Raleigh/Durham North Carolina

By | October 5, 2018

The Prophesy

Location: Raleigh/Durham North Carolina

Type: Film


The Prophesy
A young woman’s courage and foundation of her faith is pushed to the limit while she makes a dangerous journey home through a lawless landscape of morally deranged killers and supernatural powers.

Emily Alexander, mid 20s, self-reliant & competitive college student studying criminal justice and martial arts. Emily identifies with a deep conviction that all problems can be solved with intellect and reason. But her future is abruptly destroyed and her family is threatened when the world is overcome by human and supernatural forces overpowering social order with brutal violence. Emily is challenged to trust a stranger with an ancient book revealing the prophesy foretelling current events threatening total annihilation of social order and the future of humanity.

It’s The Walking Dead meets Rudy—a character-driven, inspirational thriller set in rural North Carolina. World order and peace is decimated by war, followed by bloody civil wars that’ve destroyed power grids, water & food supplies, commerce, and all communications. After the nation falls, Emily is stranded at college, miles from home and forced to make an epic solo journey through the carnage to reunite with her family.
Emily struggles with her depreciating optimism & strength as challenges to her survival multiply with every mile. She meets a charismatic preacher possessing an ancient book that foretells of the cataclysmic events endangering all human life. He seeks to help her understand the truth about the supernatural forces threatening everything good and her only hope of survival—before it’s too late.

Emily has a few nemeses, herself included. Aside from Emily’s weakening mental state being a true threat, The Beast closely follows Emily undetected on her journey, The Beast directs both human and super-natural offensives to usurp her mission home and take her life. General Reichman, a ruthless and ambitious x-US military leader has organized several hundred civilians and soldiers to control a large region of the Eastern U.S. Lieutenant Overstreet commands Reichman’s mobile and violent patrol force confiscating all goods, food and supplies and allows no one to enter its jurisdiction without total submission. Every person they capture either joins their forces or is put to death. To get home she must enter their territory called the Land of Nod. Just as Emily closes in on her hometown border, her own doubts and the over-whelming challenges dismantle her confidences. She must over-come her own doubts while fighting for her life.

Emily is gritty, intelligent, a competitive fighter and morally grounded but the world that gave her inspiration & hope is now destroyed. She fears if her family is gone she will have no reason to live. As a committed atheist she harshly judges the pastor’s belief in God to be foolhardy and even a danger to her fragile self-confidence. The pastor however is convinced she can bring healing and hope to the critically wounded world. He reveals his ancient book to Emily and all the truths printed on its pages. He demonstrates to Emily the only hero that can save the world is in the truth written centuries ago–all she must do now is believe.

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: Raleigh/Durham North Carolina
Please submit to: dan@sidekickfilmco.com

This casting notice was posted by: Sidekick Film Co-Dan Schaefer, Producer

2 thoughts on “Auditions for Movie Lead Role in Raleigh/Durham North Carolina

  1. AhTalaya Austin

    After reading just the introduction on the character, I can say I am utterly in love and eager to engage in this role. me and Emily already share similar traits so channeling my inner Emily.. would be effortless but also amazing and genuine to watch. please sen dme the script I’m ready to dice in… and big plus I LIVE IN NORTH CAROLINA 🙂

  2. Ashley Tallent

    Very interested in this role, curious as to when auditions are! Please let me know via email.


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