Home » Reality TV » Casting Call for Social Media Influencers for Documentary Project

Casting Call for Social Media Influencers for Documentary Project

By | October 15, 2018


Dynamic Influential ENTREPRENEURS with Broad Social Media Followings (10K+)

Especially seeking out-of-the-box thinkers, tastemakers and innovators in the following areas: food + beverage, fashion, sports and tech, but please SUBMIT ALL! Nationwide U.S.

Feel free to share the attached FLYER with your social circles and ask them to submit the requested information to submit@demingcasting.com ASAP. An NDA will be required to discuss the details (including compensation).

MUST have a current, valid passport. This documentary project shoots in Vancouver, BC, the week of November 12th.

Submissions due ASAP – submit@demingcasting.com – before Tuesday, 10/16/18!


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