Video Auditions for Hamilton, Dancers, Singers and Rappers – Nationwide, Online Talent Search

  • Post category:Theater
  • Post last modified:07/20/2021
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Auditions for Hamilton.

Attention Singers, Rappers, Dancers and Performers, Hamilton is now holding an online casting call.

The hit Broadway musical Hamilton is back and they are now holding an online, nationwide talent search for performers… Singers, Rappers, and Dancers.

The show is casting performers, union and non union, 18+ only.  There are multiple productions of Hamilton including the Broadway production, the Los Angeles productions and the touring show.  Those interested have to get their audition videos in this week as the deadline to submit your online auditions video is July 27th.

They are accepting video submissions from performers all around the US.

Hamilton musical cast

About The show:

The hip-hop, rap and pop musical mixes history with modern music and tells the story of America’s fathers in a very unique and entertaining way.  “Hamilton” is created by Lin-Manuel Miranda.  Rumor has it that while on vacation, Miranda picked up the biography of Alexander Hamilton written by historian Ron Chernow. Miranda was so inspired that he created a Broadway musical. The musical made it’s off- Broadway debut exactly a year ago ant by summer, the musical was so popular that the production moved over to the Richard Rodgers Theatre theater on Broadway. Since then, the show has received unprecedented acclaim and critics have been raving about it. The show also just added a grammy to it’s growing list of awards.


Those interested can check out the audition notices below for more information on how to get on the show.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Ibtihal

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