Theater Auditions in Sydney, Australia – Jane Eyre


Genesian Theatre Company – Jane Eyre – New and Devised

Location: Genesian Theatre, 420 Kent Street, Sydney 2000

Audition / Call Type: Theater

Jane Eyre – New and Devised
Script adapted from the classic novel by Charlotte Bronte
Directed by Ali Bendall

Performances: Preview: Friday 4th October Opening Night: Saturday 5th October
Performances: Every Friday / Saturday at 7.30pm, and Sunday at 4.30pm
Closing: Sunday 10th November
Genesian Theatre, 420 Kent Street, Sydney. Running for 18 shows, across a 6 week run.

About the production:
This is an exciting opportunity to be part of the final production on the stage of our heritage Kent Street theatre. We are looking for a cast of 10-12, [6F and 4M] who will be working on a classic text whilst being an integral part of the creative process as we bring Jane’s search for justice, freedom and independence to a modern audience. It’s imperative that you have read the novel. [Or have seen the BBC adaptation or National Theatre’s / Bristol Old Vic’s Version, or at the very least have read up on Wikipedia!]
Please note the Genesian Theatre is a registered charity and amateur group, as such this is an unpaid production, however we endeavour for professional standard production values and a great learning experience. You must be 18 and above to audition.

Audition Dates / Times:
Tuesday 9th July – [1 slot left:] 9.15pm – On Stage, Genesian Theatre, 420 Kent Street.
Thursday 11th July – 7.30pm – 9.15pm – On Stage, Genesian Theatre, 420 Kent Street.
Saturday 13th July – 12.30pm – 5pm – On Stage, Genesian Theatre, 420 Kent Street.
Call Backs: Sunday 14th July 10am – 2pm – On Stage, Genesian Theatre, 420 Kent Street.

Email Director Ali Bendall on to book your audition slot and to receive the audition pack/more information. Please attach a CV, your character preference/s and a brief cover letter of experience/why you’d like to be involved in this production. Include 2 options for your preferred audition time/day.

Rehearsals: Due to the ensemble nature of the piece and the cast being involved with the creative process, we would like rehearsals to start on Saturday 20th July with a meet and greet / ice breakers and measurements taken for costumes. To work alongside the cast of “Murder on the Nile” [the play on stage before us] rehearsals will be held on:

Tuesdays 7pm – 9.30pm, Thursday 7pm – 9.30pm and Saturdays 10-1pm / 2-5pm.
This schedule gives us a total of 28 rehearsals before we bump into the theatre, however, not all cast will be called for every rehearsal and a detailed schedule will be shared.

Important Dates to consider before auditioning:
Saturday 20th July 10am – 2pm [First look / Meet and Greet / Costume Fittings]
Tuesday 3rd September 7pm – 9.30pm [Act 1 Run]
Thursday 5th September 7pm – 9.30pm [Act 2 Run]
Saturday 7th September 10 – 12noon [Fixes] and 1pm – 4pm [Full Run]
Tuesday 10th September 7pm – 9.30pm [Act 1 Run]
Thursday 12th September 7pm – 9.30pm [Act 2 Run]
Saturday 14th September 10am – 12noon [Fixes] and 1pm – 4pm [Full Run]

Sunday 22nd September – Bump In [All cast called to assist]
“Show Week” on stage: Monday 23rd September – Thursday 3rd October
[Please keep evenings free this week – schedule to be shared at a later date]

Performance Dates:
October 4th / 5th / 6th / 11th / 12th / 13th / 18th / 19th / 20th / 25th / 26th / 27th
November 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 8th / 9th / 10th

Payment: Non-Paid

City or Location of call: Genesian Theatre, 420 Kent Street, Sydney 2000
Please submit to: by 07/10/2024 9:30 PM

Auditions: Auditions will consist of 15 minute individual slots, by appointment only. You will be asked to prepare sections of the script based on your character preference, you may be re-directed and there may be some sight-reading / cold reads – please prepare a simple song (verse/chorus) you are familiar/confident with (doesn’t have to be reflective of the play) to sing accapella (no backing tracks) as there may well be some singing in the piece (it can even be “Happy Birthday” though that is actually quite a hard sing!)
Come as prepared as you can and we look forward to seeing you!

Call Backs will consist of a group Physical / Movement warm up and a few explorations – All members of the cast will need to be confident and comfortable moving as there are a lot of transitions and doubling of parts. This will be followed by scene work/ pairings/ re-directions. This should be a fun audition and we hope that everyone enjoys the process.
Please note: We are not set on a specific accent, however if you can give a generic Northern Accent a go [Yorkshire] then that would be great. [We will be working with a dialect coach]

We are also on the lookout for some musicians to add a live soundscape to the performance. Any EOI’s, please send an email through, or if you are an Actor Muso, please let us know in your email what instrument/s you play.

Jane Eyre, F / 10 – 30 years old: Jane is the central character and titular role who hardly leaves the stage. As such, we are looking for a solid performer who can convincingly engage an audience and share her story through childhood up to adulthood. At the top of the play Jane is a strong-willed, passionate and outspoken young girl, who is yearning to be treated fairly, seen as an equal and loved for who she is. She grows in strength, excels at school, becomes a governess, and falls in love with Edward Rochester. By play’s end, Jane is a strong, independent woman. Northern English [Yorkshire] Accent preferred.

Mr Edward Rochester M / 35+: Jane’s employer and the master of Thornfield, Rochester is a wealthy, passionate man with a dark secret. Rochester is unconventional, ready to set aside polite manners, propriety, and consideration of social class in order to interact with Jane frankly and directly. He is rash and impetuous and has spent much of his adult life roaming about Europe in an attempt to avoid the consequences of his youthful indiscretions.
Rochester is a controversial but key character in Jane Eyre. He is considered a Byronic hero, a type of Romantic literary character that is usually dark, mysterious, troubled, moody, arrogant, and intense. In the novel, Rochester is described to be very ugly [please do not let this put you off applying!] It is said he has a dark, craggy face, with stern features and a heavy brow. He is ‘pigeon-chested’ and he is around 35 years. He has a shaggy ‘mane’ of black hair. Northern English [Yorkshire] Accent preferred. [Though could venture to RP as he is well travelled and could help show the class divide between him and Jane]

Aunt Reed F / 30 – 60: Mrs Reed is Jane’s reluctant and cruel Aunt, offering her little happiness and punishing her relentlessly. She locks her in the Red Room and forbids anyone to let her out. Mrs Reed idolises her children, John, Georgiana and Eliza, making them selfish, egotistical and arrogant. She is an unkind and hypocritical figure who offers Jane no love. Northern English [Yorkshire] Accent preferred.

Mr Brocklehurst M / 40-60: The cruel, hypocritical master of the Lowood School, Mr. Brocklehurst preaches a doctrine of privation, while stealing from the school to support his luxurious lifestyle. He is a pompous pious man who does not lead by example.
Northern English [Yorkshire] Accent preferred.

Helen Burns, F / 10 – 13: Jane’s close friend at the Lowood School, she endures her miserable life there with a passive dignity that Jane cannot understand. Helen dies of consumption in Jane’s arms. This is who Jane considers to be her one true friend.
Northern English [Yorkshire] Accent preferred.

Bessie Lee, F / 25 – 45: The maid at Gateshead, Bessie is the only figure in Jane’s childhood who regularly treats her kindly, telling her stories and singing her songs. The only maternal figure Jane has in her life. Northern English [Yorkshire] Accent preferred.

Adèle Varens, F / 13-15: Jane’s pupil at Thornfield, Adèle Varens is a lively though somewhat spoiled child from France. Rochester brought her to Thornfield after her mother, Celine, abandoned her. French accent and lots of energy needed! Dance experience beneficial.

Other roles open to audition to be cast from the Company:

Mr. Lloyd M / 50+ Mr. Lloyd is the Reeds’ apothecary, who suggests that Jane be sent away to school. Always kind to Jane, Mr. Lloyd writes a letter to Miss Temple confirming Jane’s story about her childhood and clearing Jane of Mrs. Reed’s charge that she is a liar. Northern English [Yorkshire] Accent preferred.

John Reed, M / 14: John treats Jane with appalling cruelty during their childhood, bullying, tormenting and physically abusing her. Although he is 14, could be played by someone with considerable size, any physical/fight training beneficial. Northern English [Yorkshire] Accent preferred.

Bertha Mason, F / 25 – 40 Rochester’s wife, a formerly beautiful and wealthy Creole woman who has become insane, violent, and bestial. She lives locked in a secret room on the third story of Thornfield and is guarded by Grace Poole, whose occasional bouts of inebriation sometimes enable Bertha to escape. Bertha eventually burns down Thornfield, plunging to her death in the flames. Famously “mute” in the novel – but speaks volumes in body language and movement/physicality.
A background in dance / movement / confidence in singing could be beneficial.

St John, M / 30+: Along with his sisters, Mary and Diana, St. John (pronounced “Sinjin”) serves as Jane’s benefactor after she runs away from Thornfield, giving her food and shelter. The minister at Morton, St. John is cold, reserved, and often controlling in his interactions with others. Because he is entirely alienated from his feelings and devoted solely to an austere ambition, St. John serves as a foil to Edward Rochester.
Northern English [Yorkshire] Accent preferred, but could venture to RP.

Other roles covered by company after casting:
Students / Teachers / Pilot [the dog] / Grace Poole / Blanche Ingram / Martha Abbott / Richard Mason / Georgiana and Eliza Reed.

This casting notice was posted by: Genesian Theatre Company

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