Castings and Auditions for african american auditions

Dallas Theater Auditions

SEEKING AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALE/THEATER PERFORMANCE Casting notice posted on, casting location: DALLAS/FT. WORTH Seeking Actress for the Explosive Theater Show – “Mixed Signals” NOTE: This is NOT a stage play. This is a theater show depicting serious adult life issues. AA Female- 25-35 years of age any height, any build *Previous theater experience a… Read More »


You Passed Me By Casting notice posted on, casting location: 12981 Perris Blvd. Moreno Valley, CA. 92553 OPEN CAST CALL FOR SUMMER PRODUCTION 12981 Perris Blvd. Moreno Valley, CA 92553 1:00 P.M. March 19 & 26, 2011. Bent Not Broken Inspired, Inland Empire southern California will present original African American production of “You Passed… Read More »

Seeking African American Singing Group

Auditions for Singers A Conversation with Bob – An African-American acappella group needed. They will have to learn a song (Bob Dylan cover), which will be composed for them by our composer. We can feature them and their music on our website! Send youtube, links, ect of your group to This is a Pennsylvania… Read More »

Theatre auditions Charlotte

Theatre Casting African-American Males, mid 20s to late 30s Casting notice posted on, casting location: 1801 N Tryon St Suite 422 Charlotte, NC 28206 The Legacy Theatre Production Company is holding auditions on December 27th and December 28th, 2010 for the bold, innovative play “The Meeting” by Jeff Stetson, which details a supposed meeting… Read More »

African American male actors

African American Males needed for Webseries Casting notice posted on, casting location: Washington DC based production company is seeking African American male actors between the ages of 25 – 40 for its upcoming dramatic web series: Auditions will take place in the upcoming weeks and we are looking to begin production soon after auditions.… Read More »

Casting Home Makeover Show | African American Men/Women (25-40) | los Angeles

Casting notice posted by the Producer Casting notice posted on, casting location: Los Angeles Casting Home Makeover Show | African American Men/Women (25-40) Production Company looking for African American Women and Men (Ages 18-26), Singles or Families living in Los Angeles. Are you a homeowner in L.A. who is in desperate need of some… Read More »

Casting Hilarious African American/ Carribean Actresses 55 and over | NYC

Casting Hilarious African American/ Carribean Actresses 55 and over Casting notice posted on, casting location: Manhattan/ Brooklyn New York Casting Notice Project Name: Platinum Wigs Project Type: Theater/Comedy Rate/Compensation: Transportation Message: Platinum Wigs Seeking Nonunion, Sophisticated, Hilarious, African American/Carribean Women 55 and older.. No acting experience necessary, but must be professional and have some… Read More »

Georgia auditions for African American females

A Place for Ida Casting notice posted on, casting location: Lawrenceville, Georgia Leap of Faith Publishing is looking for African American females with medium brown complexion, long black hair (weaves or wigs ok) between the ages of 18-25 to perform monologue for book trailer. Must submit photo via email to: Auditions to be… Read More »

African American actors needed for student films

African American actors needed for student films Casting notice posted on, casting location: Washington DC African American actors needed for student film: Female: early to mid 20’s Males: mid 20’s to late 50’s Positions are unpaid but we will provide meals and a copy of the finished product. For more information on the production… Read More »