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Reality Talk Show Casting – Jeremy Kyle Show

By | July 31, 2012

This notice was posted on auditionsfree.com

location: NATIONWIDE

Category: Talk Show

Need to confront a family member, loved one, spouse, ex, friend, or significant other and resolve your issues? Deadbeat dad or mom? Abuse/molestation? Cheating spouse? Out of control son or daughter or brother or sister? Baby momma or daddy drama? Want to prove your innocence or someones guilt? Unsure of who your dad is or who is the father of your child or if the child is yours?

We also reconnect people with long lost loved ones and family members, even if you never met them before or know them at all.

We also offer free DNA and lie detector testing! We fly all our guest out to New York, NY for free no matter where you are in the country. We also pay for your hotel stay and ensure you have money everyday to eat. We get you the help you need along with our staff support team which includes a well respected and know Doctor, who ensures you get the help you need where ever you live. Let us resolve your problems.

Job type: Paid

Jeremy Kyle

Casting Location: NATIONWIDE
Contact email: Dbrewington@jeremykyleusa.com

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