Wipeout UK

  • Post category:Reality TV / UK
  • Post last modified:02/24/2012
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Tryout for Wipeout UK 2012 and 2013 seasons

Wipeout is accepting applications for the UK version of the show.
Do you have what it takes to take on the largest obstacle course around. BBC and Endemol are now accepting applications for future seasons of Wipeout and want to hear from physically fit and energetic individuals who can take on the ‘Big Red Ball’ challenge.

Teams of contestants take on one of television’s largest and most extreme obstacle courses. Last season was filmed in Buenos Aires Argentina and the location for the 2013 season has not yet been announced.

All applicants for the UK show must be residents of the UK and over the age of 18. (If you are looking for Wipeout US auditions, you can click here)

To apply for the show you must fill out an application and then mail it to the casting directors.

The application for Wipeout is a Microsoft Word document
Please fill out the application and mail it to:
Endemol UK
Shepherds Building Central
Charecroft Way
Shepherds Bush
W14 0EE

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