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Casting info for “Naked and Afraid”

By | April 10, 2014

Naked and Afraid

If you are crazy enough to want to get on “Naked and Afraid“, read on.

The extreme survival reality hit “Naked and Afraid” is looking for survivalists that are up for a challenge. “Naked and Afraid” is a unique survival show that takes 2 people, a man and woman, and drops them off in a remote location on the planet with nothing but a video camera. Really, nothing… no clothes, no shoes, no cell phones, no food, no water, no shelter. The survivalists have to last 21 days is some of the roughest country on the planet. Each episode of “Naked and Afraid” picks 2 new people to step up to the challenge of surviving in the jungle. If CBS’s Survivor seems like a cake walk, if you think you can live on bugs and have enough callous on your footsies to run across hot asphalt without a hiccup… then this may be right up your alley!

If you have watched the show and said “I can do that”, here is your chance to prove it because the show is casting for new episodes.

Metal Flowers Media is currently casting for Naked and Afraid. Men and women who have the survival experience and mental toughness to withstand 21 days in the wild. This is an extreme survival challenge. Must be between 20 & 40 years of age.

Metal Flowers Media is also casting for a new survival show as well called “Remote Survivor”.

Naked and Afraid takes “survival of the fittest” to the next level.


Naked and Afraid



A pair of complete and total strangers – one man and one woman – will find themselves stranded in and, quite literally, exposed to some of the world’s most extreme weather environments. Each duo will be left high and dry with no food, no water… and no clothes. They must survive on their own for a full 21 days, with nothing but one personal item each and the knowledge that the only prize is their pride and sense of accomplishment.

You can fill out an application through Metal Flowers Media.

If you have never seen the show, check out the trailer. The new season just started a few weeks back.

30 thoughts on “Casting info for “Naked and Afraid”

  1. Amanda n Billy Prive

    Me and my husband want to do naked and afraid. We both are really outdoors type of people and we can handle it, how do we sign up together?

  2. James Mc Mullan

    Hi my name is Jimmy mc mullan from Belfast northern Ireland, I’m interested in naked and afraid. I reckon if I survived belfast during the troubles I could survive this. I love being in the wilderness, fishing, hunting, and staying alive. I’m 52, give me a chance.

  3. Shaun loonam

    IT Guy slash hunter … I have a Natural cave man way of life !!

  4. Roger E Beckham

    I am a male, 68 yrs old and in excellent shape. I am 5’6″, 165 lbs. When you need a senior, I am your man.

  5. John and Donna Peele

    My wife and I are in our middle 50’s. We call BS on the 40 y/o age limit. We want to be the first MARRIED couple to do NAKED AND AFRAID. We’ll get naked, send some video and you just give us the nod!!! We will survive..

    1. dena stratton

      Ditto, my husband and I are also mid 50’s and would like to do it as a team.

  6. Shannon Galloway

    Im a fitness trainer and survivalist. I guide hunting, camping and survival trips part time. born and raised in the MTNs of WNC. Would love more info on how to get on the show? Thank you

  7. Omar

    I am extremely interested in more information about auditioning.

  8. Ron

    The age discriminator is BS……..there are people my age, 48, that would make this program seem like a sleep over……

  9. Tom grega

    You have to call the agent listing they have on the screen.

  10. Amanda

    I really want to do this, I watch this show all the time…I would really love to know how to apply.

    1. erica Post author

      The post actually states how to apply for Naked and Afraid. Just follow the instructions.

  11. Ed Caulfield

    I would like more info on how to try out for naked and afraid. Lifelong outdoorsman, and hunter. More to follow if needed

  12. Ashley dean moore

    Would like to try it. I’m 40 years old a can survive anything.

  13. William Rennie

    Hello I am 49 years old and feel I would be well suited for the show Naked and Afraid. I realize that this is going to sound ludicrous however: Using knowledge and common sense I do not see the impossibility to the challenge. Therefore I would like to find out how to audition for the show.
    Thank you,
    William Rennie

    1. erica Post author

      They do not have open auditions. You must follow the instructions in the post and they will contact the people they are interested in casting with further instructions.

  14. Kyle Sowell

    I would like to audition. How do I do this?

  15. James Henry

    I am a California coastal man. I love the outdoors and I am a quick study. I work construction so I am pretty fit. I like to fish and hunt. I want to do this because it is now bucket list item since watching the show. I feel this is a have to situation, I have to do this.
    Try me, I just might surprise you!

  16. Anthony Scott

    This is age discrimination? I’m 51 and ready. Did you not hear? 50 is the new 30 smh.

  17. James R Bien

    Former Marine, current Union Pacific manager. Would love to survive in a foreign country with a team member.

  18. Michael E Atkins Jr.

    What I’ve seen from past episodes none of cast members were surviving they were starving. I would like to do the 21 day challenge on Naked and Afraid. I not only will survive, I will gain weight.

  19. Tommy Cassidy

    I would love to join, am a hard core country boy and I can survive naked, please contact me PLEASE

  20. Tim Haire

    I am a retired deputy sheriff. I still work part-time for the sheriffs department and I also work fulltime transporting for immigrations. I am 56 years old in excellent Rambo shape. I am a hunter and fisherman and 20 years of studying early American Indian living. I did not want to survive but to live comfortably in the wild. I am also an expert in catching reptiles venomous and non venomous. I have been part of the a reptile trade since I was 10 years old. I have hunted like Tarzan for years, bare foot and little or nothing on.

  21. Mick King

    Is there a legitimate reason for the age discrimination? I’m a 45 year old male, survivalist. I am an adventurer, double black-belt. I am familiar with tropical, mountainous, desert and urban survival!
    I am very interested in hearing the reasoning behind the 40 year old cut-off stipulation.

    Thank you,
    Mickey King
    “Naked and Old”

  22. Kraig

    I am interested in casting for Naked and Afraid. Where do I apply?

  23. Lanesha Gordon

    I would like more information on how to audition for “Naked and Afraid”


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