The Great Norway Adventure Season 6
Location: Los Angeles
Type: Reality TV
DATE: Saturday October 25, 2014
TIME: 10am -3pm
LOCATION: Envision Studios, 1756 22nd Street, Santa Monica, CA
To get on the VIP list, email and let us know you want to be a VIP for the LA callback.
If you can’t attend the open call, you can still apply. Just fill out the application and submit a video. All info can be found at:
Title of the show: The Great Norway Adventure Season 6
Description of the show:
Chicago’s O’Connor Casting Company is holding an open casting call for Season 6 of Norway’s #1 Emmy award winning Reality TV show “Alt for Norge” (aka “The Great Norway Adventure”).
The series follows 12 Norwegian-Americans who fly to Norway to compete in a series of adventurous and fun challenges. The winner receives a CASH prize of $50,000.00 and meets Norwegian relatives they don’t even know exist. The show is a cross between the TV shows “Who are you?” and “The Amazing Race”.

Tryout for “Alt for “Norge” /
“The Great Norway Adventure”
Eligibility Requirements.
Must have some Norwegian ancestry (even a little bit counts)
Must be a U.S. Citizen
Must be age 18 by Feb. 16, 2015. There is no age limit.
Must have NEVER traveled to Norway
Compensation: All travel expenses including accommodations while on the show are paid for by the production company. You’ll receive $100.00 per day while shooting in Norway.
Payment: Paid
City or Location of call: Los Angeles
Please submit to: by
This casting notice was posted by: O’Connor Casting Company