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New Reality Series “Saving Marriage”

By | April 16, 2014

Are you and your spouse having some marital problems?

A new show may help you do just that!

Are you ready to work on your issues, explore your relationship and get away on an adventure? Here is your chance because a new relationship show is now casting couples nationwide.

An innovative new television series is seeking married couples with relationship problems who could benefit from a life-changing adventure together! This new series is an unprecedented opportunity that will explore the communication and the basis of your relationship – Get ready for the perfect chance to prove what brought you together in the first place – to strip away the noise and truly become the significant other, to each other!

Doron Ofir Casting is on a nationwide search for married couples, who have come to a major crossroad in their relationship for the chance to go on an epic journey to save your marriage.

If you are having marital issues, questioning your commitment, debating therapy, or have just started counseling, get ready to pack your bags and explore the depths of your partnership. A leading marriage therapist will help you and your spouse rekindle the spark you lost somewhere down the road.

Saving Marriage casting married couples

Interested in applying? you can fill out the application here.

You must be married for at least 3 years and you and your spouse are at least 25 years old then we want to hear from you! If cast, couples will be compensated $5,000 for their time, which will be a maximum of two weeks.

One thought on “New Reality Series “Saving Marriage”

  1. Bambi Wolcott

    We are an Atlanta couple that I think would be perfect! I am 50, my husband 51. We have three children graduating (or graduated from) high school…19, 18 and 16 years old. We are at that strange place where we either need to plan to move forward with our lives together…til the end, or prepare to move on. We love each other and have been married for 22 years…we just happen to be driving each other insane. We both have baggage (I am a recovering alcoholic with over 8 years sobriety) about the first half of our marriage, My husband is extremely smart and has has little patience for slow thinkers…unfortunately I run on the slower side!! He lost his mother last year and his father a few years back….he has completely internalized this.

    We are both fit, nice looking and are financially stable. We would be willing to give up 2 weeks of our lives if we thought it would help our relationship…and it was filmed somewhere warm!


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