Casting Families Nationwide Who Deserve an International Dream Vacation for “Vacation Creation”


Vacation Creation Show

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Type: Reality TV



Pitman Casting and new show “Vacation Creation” show seeking individuals with great stories of overcoming obstacles who deserve the chance to partake in an international vacation of their dreams.

A Major broadcast network, in conjunction with the with the world’s leading cruise lines is now casting a new television series that takes individuals with compelling personal stories on a transformational cruise of a lifetime.

Seeking wide range of stories from serious life and family issues to more light hearted wish fulfillments. Stories can include family bonding, healing personal tragedies, repairing relationships, exploring your ancestral background, celebrating a wedding, vow renewal or milestone, or simply giving mom and dad the dream vacation they have always deserved.

Each voyage will be custom designed to speak to your personal story, bring people together and make dreams come true.

If you or someone you know is deserving of a vacation please tell us why.

We would love to hear your story!






To be considered please apply via our Online Casting Application Link below:

Please share the casting with friends, family or anyone else that you would like to nominate who also deserves a vacation.

City or Location of call: Los Angeles, CA
Please submit to:

This casting notice was posted by: Pitman Casting

47 thoughts on “Casting Families Nationwide Who Deserve an International Dream Vacation for “Vacation Creation”

  1. Francis Martucci

    Hello there. I am not posting for anyone, but just wanted to thank you for the episode where you sent a family of 4 to Vietnam. The country is so beautiful now, not like it was when I was stationed in Vietnam during the war. They were so deserving of that trip of a life time. One day, I hope to get back there for some closure. Keep up the wonderful job you are doing for those families in need. I know they do appreciate it. Well done!!!


    God if you are listening… please help me out to do this for my wife of 18 years. You know she deserves it for many many reasons. She first took care of her mother whom was stricken with Alzheimer’s for a grueling 10 years. She put her life on hold till she passed. Then her father had heart disease and she took care of him as well till he left us. Then we moved from Tennessee where she is from to Ohio where I am from because my grandma and my mother were both in bad shape .. my mother with Bone cancer and grandma was 86. My grandma fell on my wife and messed her back up so my wife went in for a MRI and they found cancer in my wife’s left kidney. She had surgery and is now on disability due to the cancer and back problems. Now my father is 70 and she does all she can do for him.!! Please please help me to find this precious lady… the love of my life a little bit of heaven on Earth for she is an angel walking among us. I never got to take her on a Honey Moon because we stayed home because my kids from a previous relationship came down from Ohio for our wedding and she wanted me to spend time with my kids…. that’s why you have to help me… she deserves it and I’m going to pray you choose her.. Thank you and God bless you and your show your wonderful people for what you do..sincerely.

  3. Shawn krusts

    I would like to nominate my mother who raised me and my sister by her self worked three jobs when we were growing up to make sure we had what we needed as far as food clothes and things for school she just recently beat her second bout of cancer and is doing great she went from working three jobs to support me and my sister to starting and running her own business and has never been able to take a vacation she is the strongest woman I know the cancer was really hard on her but she never quite she is my hero and best friend I hope she gets picked she really disserves it

  4. Anthony King

    Hello my Name is Anthony King and I am nominating my wife Sophia for a vacation that she really deserves because of the stress she endures with raising her cousins 2 boy after they first lost there mother and now there father. But before that she lost her grandmother and found out her mom has a terminal illness. At the same time she also deals with her own health issues. Please send her on a vacation to get some get away time to relax her mind. Sincerely, Anthony

  5. Mimi Moy

    I have a well deserving friend and her husband, that is badly in need of a vacation of a lifetime,
    they have been homeless, their own personal health has been compromised and they are living day to day, with love and hope in their lives still. After my own challenges of foreclosure, brain surgery, and a close friends hand saw accident,..this couple still made it a point to help us, day to day, with food, hope and gasoline to survive. I do not have the resources to give them a vacation to celebrate their heart, spirit and hope for a better life ahead of them,
    so Please do think of “JD & Julie Galvin” a beautiful couple that is so deserving of some beautiful experiences ahead for them both.

  6. Alexis Johnson

    Hi my name is Alexis Johnson and Shawn Johnson my husband. Been on a visit to Disney World and had just got over cancer and kidney failure. I will probably want to have one cuz you don’t whole world or something else and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon and I will be do happy.

  7. Komesha

    Hello Vacation Creation. My Mother Karen is a real special person, after being married for 38 years and three kids two living and her baby deceased at 4 days old, and over coming a massive stroke. Karen still keeps it together. Karen has two grand kids which she devotes her time to. Karen and Johnnie my dad, never had a honey moon. They had said one day they would take a cruise,but my dad became addicted to crack cocaine and through all the obstacles, it never has happened. A Vacation Creation is just what they deserve. Both of them are on social security disability and a cruise is no longer in reach for them. Please help this deserving couple.

  8. Karen Douglass

    My Cousin, Cynthia Smith, is so strong and life giving but never request anything back. A single mom of three whom she raised alone and still there for her children and 8 grandchildren even til now; in 2005 her dad became terminally ill and traveled every weekend to help him, mom had brain surgery and was in coma, finally to pull through with many hardships to eventually also succumb to a terminal illness while Cynthia gave up her job career and continued to help both parents til their transitions……From 2002 til 2015 her family faced seven suicides a number unbelieveable to anyone and yet she was a rock and pillow to most…….Not only taking care of her own children, grandchildren, parents she lost her best friend also to cancer two months prior to her mom and still gave love, energy, hope and strength…….Even as she struggles to get back to a normal life she does not know how to give to self before giving to others; please I need to watch her now be able to take a vacation created for her as I have never known her to have a vacation always putting things for others before her own pleasure. If you could please grant her this final wish as she know is fighting her own illnesses and I desire to see her have one life trip for she is the most deserving person I know and love!

  9. Byron Johnson

    Hello and to who it may concern. My name is Byron Johnson and I am nominating my son Micah Johnson because I have never been able to take Micah on a deserved trip anywhere that I know I wish I could have. I personally have gotten a few chances to go to places in the world that I enjoyed and wanted to have taken Micah on. After years have gone by he had moved out on his own and Micah went from High school to the Military,  The Army and worked very hard at archiving his goal of being a Army Ranger and still going strong. Micah has had many problems and a few with a Daughter who was born premature and had other symptoms but is definitely doing well now. Micah has always worked hard for what he does and has in his life but has not had the chance to see any part of the world for enjoyment. Micah has served his country and has been overseas only for service of the Military to defend his country but not for enjoyment himself, even in training during many years of missing holidays and birthdays. Micah has just recently managed to get married to the Love of his life but only to be married in Las Vegas and no real honeymoon. So I thought as his father that I would like to nominate Micah as someone who deserves a definite and necessity vacation somewhere in the world with your help. Micah is currently serving at his base in Fort Lewis,  Mcchord in Washington state.Thank you so very much for your time and consideration of this letter.  Sincerely Byron Johnson. 

    Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

  10. Jacqueline clarke

    We are a large family that once was very close we loss our mother just a year ago that was the queen of the family before our mother pass my mother had to put my brother 2 year before she pass the family never gotten over and older brother and a sister passing and a father our mother didn’t separate us as some family members ask her to she did it all by herself carrying for us the best she could we haven’t been on a vacation in years as a family because it was just my mother and her kids. My mother care for her family until she became ill over the years after the passing of my brothers and sister my mother increase over the years our mother had 4 strokes that she became bedridden we care for our mother until god taking her from her all her daughter’s had taking time out of our life to care for our mother at home it was our time to care for her because she did a good job with us it was only right that we do the same we know it was not going to be easy. We was not allowing the family to fall apart it haven’t been a year yet we haven’t came to part that our queen is know longer hear to keep the family as always i really fell that this family need this vacation to bring us closer again for our mother we care for her together we need this vacation together she would’ve love to see this happen for her kids we try some time to get together on her special days Mother’s Day this year was hard for everyone but most of us got together and did a balloon release for our Mother our beautiful queen for the first year in Heaven
    sincerely yours Jackie

  11. paul jasovsky

    My daughter died April 25, 2017 and my son died Nov 25, 2017. My daughter was deaf but with relentless dedication from her Mom she learned to speak and communicate orally getting a bachelor of arts degree from Ohio University. She and her brother both had cancer 25 years ago, massive chemo and radiation and Laura relapsed for a 2nd round. Not long after, she got ITP an auto-immune disease she battled the rest of her life. My wife Sonja and Laura had a relationship that went beyond beyond! They could read each others mind, Mother/Daughter, Teacher/Student, Care giver, Best friends. Being so close has made it especially hard for Sonja. She misses those morning texts “Good morning Mommy” Laura couldn’t use the phone but texting, Wow. Our son Seth also had health issues but not the extent of his sister, but they were connected, our oldest son has been healthy like his Mom and I ! Both Laura and Seth were 2 of the most positive people I’ve ever known and had lasting effects on those that knew them. Sonja, Seth and I had a trip planned to Norway for spring 2017 but our daughter got sick again and Mom spent 3 months in Houston taking care of her again. 6 weeks in the hospital, Sonja looked like a homeless person, she barely left, the drug Laura took that helped her this time destroyed her lungs? September 2017 our son was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer that spread to his liver, bone and lymph nodes? Chemo didn’t work, his oncologist felt the cause was the radiation he had years before? 2 months he was gone our 3 kids were down to 1 ? It has been devastating, I always took selfies of us and drove everyone crazy but glad I did. This is the short version. I’ve never asked anyone for anything but in some way, if our son’s granddaughter Sonja and I could do an experience together that would be really great! Love your show!

  12. Christopher Posey

    Hello vacation Creation,
    My name is Christopher Posey, I’m just getting back to having a normal life. after risking loosing my mind! do to my dad dying and passing away killing his self. which threw me in a stroke ,and I bout lost my life 7 times do to seizures if it wasn’t for my mom being here to lead me suffer having to learn how to walk again,and loosing my life. and having short term memory loose it really brought me down messed me up for a while ! but I made it with God’s help, and love it. would say living life with seizures made me feel at times that I wouldn’t have my life back. life has been a struggle for me every since. but I fought hard to stay on my feet. My mom has been my hero, she gave me a reason not to give up! That’s why I’m here to this day. My daughter is my life. She reminds me of my dad Every time I look at her. I just want me and my mom to have a vacation of a lifetime I think we deserve it… It has been a dream of mine to be on the show.

  13. Raphael

    For my mom and Dad. They both have worked hard. My mom dealing with her disabilities and my dad who works out in the sun daily to support the both of them. I truly believe they deserve a break and could use a good vacation.

  14. Sonya Levatte

    Hello Vacation Creation Host and Staff,
    My name is Sonya Levatte, and I would like to nominate Walter Smith to appear on an episode of your show–Vacation Creation. He recently turned sixty and we have been together twelve years. This man has spent 15 years behind bars for a crime he did not commit. He was sentenced 84 to 216 years in prison for multiple rapes that he did not commit. Against all odds he resolved to prove his innocence. His mother was his only support and gave him the $5000.00 he needed to get an independent DNA test that subsequently proved his innocence. To this day he continues to communicate with two of his accusers. He believes it a necessary part of his personal growth to forgive them for having wrongfully accused him. He has also written a book to document his journey to freedom. Upon his release he became a motivational speaker, a professional body builder, national youth advocate, radio talk show host, and he has been instrumental in helping the City of Columbus reduce city homicides. When his mother became physically and mentally unable to care for herself he postponed all of his professional engagements to devote himself and his time to taking care of her until her death, March 19, 2011.
    Currently he is a full-time truck driver and a single parent to twin daughters; after winning an extremely tumultuous custody battle. Walter is now preparing to send his twins to college after they graduate high school in June of this year. He has also been a tremendous help in assisting me in raising my own son who too is a full-time college student. Walter treats my son as he though he is his own. When needed he is always there to serve as a devoted father figure for my son. Even when he was told he needed double hip surgery he had them done at the same time to decrease his recovery time so he could help me drive my son to college in Florida and immediately return to work as a full time truck driver. He helps me take care of my 71 year old mother and her needs . Walter’s life has always been about doing what a man should do. He has been responsible and dedicated to his family and his obligations. He is a symbol of encouragement to everyone around him. Walter is humble, hardworking, and never hesitant to help his fellow man. On many occasions when he could have thought of himself first he has placed the needs of his family, friends, and other above his own.

    Walter has never taken the time to go on a dream vacation or never ever, never ever has he celebrated his birthday or any of his accomplishments. He deserves this vacation and so much more. I would love for him to travel to the Turks and/or Caicos as means of recognizing his courage, selflessness, and continued devotion to his family, friends, and his community. I implore you to please consider Walter, myself, and two other couples as a participants on your show to celebrate him, to celebrate him, to celebrate him!

    Thanking you in advance for your consideration.

    Sonya Levatte

  15. Regina N Harrell

    3 yrs ago, I was preparing to take my mother on very deserved trip. As I was leaving, I heard something, I ran to her room, she had collapsed. I dialed 911, just too many questions from the operator. I picked up my mother carried to the car, drove her myself to ER. It was as I expected, she had a heart attack. That day, I felt I had lost my best friend. After the passing of my father, she has been the rock. I relocated, unexpectedly, I was laid off and divorcee. Exhausted all my savings to survive, now nearly 6 months, she has being paid all of my bills as I search for work. By the Grace of GOD, I haven’t lost anything because of my mother. I was the one who cared for 2 homes, now she has been that rock again. Another scary Nov 2017, she had a relapse. I couldn’t breathe myself thinking I can’t do this, I can’t lose my mother. She had to have a pacemaker. A 2nd chance at life. I feel GOD know I need her right now, please don’t take her. I had to rush myself to ER to learn I was having a panic attack and BP was extremely high. Each day as I search for work, all I can think of that trip we were suppose to take never happened. She talks about it but I know she wants to take that trip, I can’t think of a trip without having a job to make that happen. She deserve it, I don’t want to lose my mother without granting her that trip we never took.

  16. Paul Zello

    2 Years ago I suffered Sepsis & would have died from Septic shock had my wife not called 911. I had Strepoccous B blood infection that had me in the hospital ICU & open heart surgery for 6 months. In the month of March I was in ICU with the 1st 2 weeks in an induced coma on a ventilator than trach until my open heart surgery on April 4th. After that went to rehab to be weened off the trach & learn to walk again. I finally came home on June 4th.


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