Manhattan NYC Local Actors for Student Film

What Is The Meaning?

Location: Manhattan NYC LOCAL

Type: Student Films

Michelangelo sits on a park bench, a girl young named Vennesa sits next to him in the midst of work, and the two make conversation, talking about a variety of things.

18-20 Michelangelo: Outcast, thinker, wants to start a good conversation, Waits for opportunities. He is a ARTIST.

18-20 Venesa: Athletic one with the crowd, focused, alert, wants to move from one thing to the next, skilled worker, thinks life is about hustle, personal trainer, runner.

Note this is a short scene about 10 minutes in length, there is a foot massage an actor must do.

Filming: pier 231

Payment: Non Paid

City or Location of call: Manhattan NYC LOCAL
Please submit to: by 2020-11-05
Headshot, resume

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