InConcert Sierra holding Choir auditions for spring 2025 season.
Type: Singers
Location: Nevada City, CA
Auditions are now being scheduled for the upcoming spring concert season with InConcert Sierra. The community is invited to join the chorale and singer auditions are going on now for performances in the spring of 2025.
InConcert Sierra is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing world-class classical and contemporary music performances to the Sierra Nevada region. Based in Grass Valley, California, the organization presents a dynamic lineup of internationally acclaimed musicians, emerging artists, and innovative programs that inspire audiences of all ages.
See our Singer and Vocalist pages for more opportunities to audition for other productions.
Here’s what you need to know before auditioning:
Some vocal and/or choral experience is necessary.
There is a sliding scale ($75-$100) per-cycle fee (Fall and Spring) with additional cost of concert attire purchase.
Rehearsals are Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 9:00PM.
Each cycle is 13 weeks (Sep-Dec and Feb-May).
There will be additional rehearsals and sectionals.
Important rehearsal dates for Spring 2025:
Feb 18: First regular SMC rehearsal, 6:30-9pm, at SDA
Mar 9: S/A Sectionals: 5pm – Soprano, 6:30pm – Alto, at Office
Mar 23: T/B Sectionals: 5pm – Tenor, 6:30pm – Bass, at Office
Apr 5: Required all day workshop, 10am – 4pm, location TBD
Apr 9: Optional extra rehearsal, location TBD
May 1: Optional extra rehearsal, 6:30pm-9pm, location TBD
May 12: Strongly recommended extra rehearsal, 6:30pm-9pm, at SDA
May 13: required rehearsal with orchestra, 6:30pm-9:30pm, at SDA
May 15: required rehearsal with orchestra, 6:30pm-9:30pm, at SDA
May 18: Concert, 2pm, at SDA
May 20: Concert, 7:30pm, at SDA

SMC Spring 2025 Repertoire
Wide-ranging program of beautiful music, including the following:
Hasse: Laudate Coeli
Mozart: Te Deum.
Mendelssohn: From Elijah- Lift Thine Eyes (unaccompanied) & He, Watching over Israel.
Brahms: From Requiem – How Lovely are Thy Dwelling Places, sung in German.
Gjeilo: Luminous Night of the Soul.