ESPN – Mark McClure Casting Inside Sports Show

Creator and Co- Producer Mark McClure is casting for the new sports comedy talk show Inside Sports: News You Can Almost Trust, hosted by the beautiful and talented Joumana Kidd (VH1 “Lets Talk About Pep”, E Channel’s “Basketball Wives”, NBA and Extra correspondant). The 30 minute, comedy talk show is ESPN MEETS THE DAILY SHOW, where we take the world of sports reporting and turn it on its head. The producers will be shooting three pilots on April 29-May 7th in Dallas, TX with all three set to be test aired on The Oxygen Channel via Dish Network and VERSUS. Former WBC Champion/Hollywood actor and two of the NFL’s biggest playmakers are signed on to be the first three interviews.

While the show is studio based, ala ESPN and the Daily Show, we have many skits that will be shot outside the studio and are currently casting for those roles below. If you are chosen, you will also be invited to the Red Carpet Launch Parties in LA, NY and Dallas!!!

(If you cannot make it to the casting call in Dallas, you may submit a headshot, brief bio and demo reel to Craigslist email enclosed.)


1) Benny in Bayville (1 show): Overweight, mid 20s, sports fanatic

The quintessential sports talk show caller. For unexplained reason, Benny is Inside Sports news correspondent and delivers his news from his basement. During his delivery we hear his mother yelling at him to clean his room, ridicule from his brother, dog barking, but he never gets flustered and delivers his opinion without any hiccups.

Casting time: from 8 am to 8:30 am

2) Guess Who Has Been Sleeping In Your Bed (1 show): Smoking HOT girl

This would be like MTV Cribs, except the athlete isn’t there. Either it’s game time and we have a former burglar wandering around the house telling how the jock should better alarm his house or we have a “Trampy” hot girl reporter who spent the night or is on or about to go on date with athlete but is instead taking us on a tour of his digs with “secret” camera.

Casting time: from 8:30 am to 9 am

3) Ben Roethlisberger Conscience Caught in Act (1 show): 1 white male, late 20’s, early 30’s and 2 teenagers

This is a well-meaning guy who we always find on the brink of potentially sticky situations, and we get to interview his conscience for an inside look at what makes Ben tick.

Casting time: from 9 am to 10 am

4) Big Burly Reporter (1 show): African American Body Builder Type

This is a big burly, African American type of reporter always assigned to cover things like ice skating where he knows absolutely nothing. In this clip, we could have our body builder type, Harley Driving reporter give us the latest update on male figure skater Johnny Weir, Curling, water polo, field hockey, etc.

Casting time: from 10 am to 10:30 am

5) The Gay Football/MMA Reporter (2 shows): 1 guy, late 30s/mid 40s, a total queen, dresses to impress, good looking gay guy (or pretend to be gay).

We will have an obviously-gay male reporter give us the latest NFL or MMA Rumor Mill/Gossip ala John Clayton style, only he will talk about their latest fashion faux pas, girlfriend trouble, etc. Any real sports questions thrown his way and he is lost!

Casting time: from 10:30 am to 11 am

6) The Million-Dollar Shot: 1 male, late 20s or early 30s, never played sports in his life and 2 Italian mafia guys

To raise money for the show and get REAL roving reporters (Joumana has complained of the lack of quality), Producer Mark McClure comes up with $1 Million Free Throw Contest. It costs $1 to enter for a chance to shoot and Mark is able to raise $25,000. Joumana worries that someone may MAKE the shot and we will have to “pay up”. Mark tells her not to worry, he has got it covered. The shot is then attempted ‘LIVE” on the show at a playground hoop. After the contestant makes the shot, Mark’s face drops in panic, Joumana goes quiet at the studio. Mark then hands the “Lucky Winner” a cardboard cut-out of $1 million check and tells him to go with “this nice group of men over here to go cash it”. Very, very funny skit….

Casting time: from 11 am to 12 pm

7) Public Service Announcement: we need 2 young boys (10 to 12 years old), a NY Yankee Randy Johnson impersonator/look alike and a Tiger Wood impersonator/look alike

In this skit, a pro athlete (impersonator) will come upon two young boys contemplating a task (i.e homework, playing pick-up basketball, etc.) and the impersonator will warn them of the dangers of such a task and instead advise them to do something else……..something that is much more sinister.

Casting time: from 12 pm to 1 pm

8) Looking for 5-6 very attractive females, early 20’s for bikini skits and sexy sports roles.


Friday April 16th
8AM to 2PM

The Southfork Hotel
1600 North Central Expressway
Plano, TX 75074-5798

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