A&E Casting: Cultural Differences with In-Laws?

  • Post category:A&E / Reality TV
  • Post last modified:02/17/2012
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Nationwide

Are cultural differences with your in-laws causing stress in your own marriage?

Are you struggling to maintain a relationship with an out-of-control in-law? Is a cultural or background divide challenging your relationship? Does your mother or father-in-law still baby your husband/wife, challenge your parenting style or openly disrespect you?

A&E is now casting nationwide for a powerful, new docu-series about the complex relationship between couples and their in-laws. Families who appear on the show will get $10,000 and have the opportunity to work with a professional relationship expert who will help them to identify their issues and repair their relationships. We’re looking for brave couples (and their in-laws) who are willing to share their stories in the hopes of not only repairing their own relationships, but also helping thousands of other families who are going through similar challenges.

If you think your story would help others and be great for TV, email us at: inlawcasting@gmail.com and include names, contact info, state/city, a family photo and a brief description of your situation.

Casting Location: Nationwide
Contact email: inlawcasting@gmail.com

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