Couples Retreat casting flyer

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. valtricia hinds

    I will like to to submit my husband and me for the retreat. We have been married going on 2 yrs and the spark is already gone, also we do not live together, we have 5 children between each other but we have none together, please help us I really believe we are soul mates. thank you

  2. tyvincie shealey

    I am very interested in your show for myself and my husband. We have been married for 18 years. We are 45. We have three children, a daughter 19( in national guard) two sons 8 and 6. we have had problems before so severe that we separated for 1 year and 10 months. Thank God, we are back together, but it’s not the same. The spark is not there and I would like to learn how to trust and love again. I think that we have settled. We love one another but we need to rekindle that spark and connection that we once shared. I hope that you can help us.

  3. Kayla

    It’s me. I’m filling this out for my own relationship with my husband and I. We are 22 years old. We have two daughter’s 4 and 2. We are just a young couple trying to make it going through the every day struggle. It has took a toll on our family. I’m sure you guys could help us.

  4. vonita

    I want to no where’s the audition. I am interested.

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