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Auditions for Lead Roles in “A Series of Unfortunate Events” New TV Series

By | January 17, 2016

Online auditions for kids – Tryout for Lead roles in A Netflix TV show.

Netflix has acquired the rights to produce a new TV series based on the book  “A Series of Unfortunate Events.”

The project is now in pre-production and holding auditions for the 2 lead child roles of Violet and Klaus. Casting directors are on a worldwide search for child actors who fit the bill. Violet is 11 to 14 years old, the eldest of the 3 kids with a knack for invention. Klaus is 10 to 13 years old the middle child in the family. He’s a smart kid who loves to read. These are speaking roles and the characters will be series regulars.

Update: The production has just extended their submission deadline. The new deadline to audition by is the 28th of this month, so interested talent now has another week to get those video auditions in.

Since the first book in the series came out, and grew in popularity, the story enjoyed critical acclaim and commercial success. In 2004 Paramount pictures created a movie called  “A Series of Unfortunate Events”  which starred Jim Carey, Meryl Streep, Emily Browning and Jude Law as the voice of Lemony Snicket.  A video game also followed. Now Netflix and Paramount are bringing the characters to the small screen in a streaming series. The show will be executive produced by the novel’s writer, Daniel Handler and Barry Sonnenfield. No word yet as to when fans can expect the show to be released.

online auditions for "A Series of Unfortunate Events" Netflix series

In “A Series of Unfortunate Events,” three orphans, Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire fall upon hard times and in the hands of the evil Count Olaf.  The kids are placed in the Count’s custody whose only motivation behind taking custody of the kids was to steal their inheritance. The 3 orphans begin to uncover mysteries, and seek to solve the mystery of their parent’s death while trying to outwit Count Olaf at every turn. The “Lemony Snicket” books are written by Daniel Handler whose pen name is Lemony Snicket. The books  have sold over 65 million copies throughout the world in 41 different languages.  “A Series of Unfortunate Events”  is actually a series of 13 books with the first novel coming out in 1999.

A Netflix representative stated “On the search for fantastic material that appeals to both parents and kids, the first stop for generations of readers is ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events,’” According to Variety, Netflix also stated. “The world created by Lemony Snicket is unique, darkly funny, and relatable. We can’t wait to bring it to life for Netflix members.

Casting directors for the new project are holding online auditions for kids to fill the lead roles of Violet and Klaus. Production will begin in spring of 2016 and the series is scheduled to film in Vancouver. Casting directors will be taking online video auditions for the roles through mid January of 2016.

Update: The production has just extended their submission deadline. The new deadline to audition by is the 28th of this month, so interested talent now has another week to get those video auditions in.

auditions for the role of Violet

Online auditions for:

VIOLET: Female, 11-14-years-old – a young, not-too-mature 14-year-old. She is self-confident, capable and smart beyond her years. She helps her brother and sister solve problems with her skills as an inventor. She is the eldest and a natural leader of the group. (SERIES REGULAR)

KLAUS: Male, 10-13-years-old. He is the middle child in the family. He’s very smart and is a voracious reader. He loves books. He is charming. (SERIES REGULAR)


Auditions are open to anyone worldwide that fits the descriptions above. The series will shoot in Vancouver starting in March 2016.

Talent wanting to submit a video audition online may do so following the instructions here.

Talent wanting to tryout for the movie role have plenty of time. The submission Deadline is January 28th, 2016.


35 thoughts on “Auditions for Lead Roles in “A Series of Unfortunate Events” New TV Series

  1. Shawnee Jimmerson

    Hello how are you? Date: July,18,2016

    My name is Shawnee I have never acted before , and I’m really shy but I think acting in this show would help me… Honestly I don’t think I have the looks… And I keep thinking out of all these people what makes me think I’m gonna make it? Well doesn’t hurt trying so here I go.

    Height: 5’6
    Weight: 140
    Eye color: Dark Brown
    Hair color : Black
    Ethnicity: African American
    Gender: Female

  2. SOFE

    Does anyone know if they have got the part yet?

  3. Maddy

    Hi my name is Maddy. First off, my dream has always been to act. I feel as if I can be anything I want when acting. When I found this opening role for Violet, I was just so over joyed. The Series of Unfortunate Events basically describes part of my childhood. It is still my all time favorite book series. I have read all thirteen books and savored every single one, thanks to Mr. Daniel Handler, the writer. I do have some experience when it comes to acting. I have never been on actual T.V. but have been involved with many plays and musicals. By the way I also love to sing. I do understand the differences between both types of acting, but I’m sure I could catch on. I’ve been told that I can easily change roles and emotions. One of my favorite things is to get into character whether its a grouchy old woman of a playful and excited little girl. I’m currently 12 years old and will be turning 13 in twelve weeks on April 9th. My hair is the color brown at medium length and my eye color is also brown. My height is 4 foot 12 inches. I would indeed like to send an audition so if it’s possible to send the script, that would be wonderful. Thank you for your time.

  4. Alisa K

    Where will the filming be taking place, and when? Are you looking for actors who already have been in movies and tv shows or can we be unknown? Please answer!

    1. erica Post author

      I believe they are only casting for the 2 roles listed at the moment.I do not believe you need experience.

  5. Victoria Stratton

    When in March does it start? When will we know if we’re chosen? How long is the filming? Where is Vancouver?

    1. erica Post author

      If your submission was chosen for a call back, you will receive all that info and further information.

  6. Sharon Onofre

    I’m a girl whose name is Sharon and I’m 14 years old. I would really love to play as the role of Violet. I have been looking for a role on T. V. for a while now because I’m trying to pursue my dream of being an actor. It’s something that I’ve always thought about but never really took too seriously because I didn’t know exactly how back them. But now I’m ready to work hard for it. Acting seems so much fun and it gives me a chance to be creative which is something that I love to do because it brings lots of joy and happiness. Now if your wondering about my pros and cons, here they are. Pros: I’m very creative, happy, like to help others, and always try to give a smile to another. I also like to work hard and try my best to never give up on things. At times I can be a bit silly, but I usually know when too stop and be serious. That at I can be on task, stay focused, and Dinah the job. Another pro about me is that I don’t say bad language, that’s why I keep my comments to myself. Also, I’m pretty sure I have good memorization. This will be useful because that way I can memorize a script. Another thing is that I can always try to cooperate with others. This way no one gets mad and everyone gets what they want. Now for the cons. For one thing, even though I can be confident and able to speak in front of people, I do sometimes get shy. But that is something thatI can definitely work with. Now, I sometimes get a bit busy because of my schedule, except on weekends. But if you want, I will try my best to have time, if you were to accept me, to play as the role of Violet. Also, beige I end this letter, I just want to let you know that I’m 5 foot, 1 inch and if you would like to see my current grades at school for more information about me and a letter recommendation from my teachers, I will be more than happy to. If you’ve noticed, which you probably already did, I’m really trying my best to get this role. You can probably tell how much I what to make my dream of acting come true. Well that is all and if you’ve read this whole letter, I really do appreciate it. But even if you don’t accept me in this role, that really okay. Atleast I’ll know that you probably read this letter and that I tried my best. Well, that is all, thanks for reading.
    Sharon Onofre

    1. Sharon Onofre

      Also one more thing I forgot to mention, sorry by the way, I have dark brown, medium, curly hair. I’ve been told that I have long curly eyelashes and brown eyes. Thank you.

  7. Rees Malone

    Hello, I am a 13 year old girl who would absolutely love to get the chance to audition for Violet. I have auditioned for many things but sadly it just wasn’t my time. I think now is my time. I can sing very well, and acting is one of my many passions. I do it in my room just for fun, I can cry so very easily. Getting this role or even just auditioning for you would be a dream come true. I don’t have a commercial to write down to you but I know I can act and I hope you consider me.

    1. Rees Malone

      I also have brown hair with a touch of blonde highlights, brown eyes, and am Caucasian.

  8. Brooke Jenicek

    Hi my name is Brooke Jenicek! I’m auditioning for the role of Violet and it would make my dream of being an actress become a reality. I am in love with acting and I have been part of school plays and playing the lead roles in many movie projects at school, including an important one at school. I would be the luckiest girl in the entire world if I get the part and I am extremely hard working. I hope that you will put me under consideration. I hope to hear from you soon!

    Name: Brooke Erin Jenicek
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14
    Date of birth: July 8th 2001
    Living location: Ontario, Canada
    Height: 5’3
    Weight: 115lbs
    Hair: wavy brown hair, goes past my chest.
    Eyes: Green
    Race: Caucasian

  9. Emma Kearney

    I would like to play the role of Violet, but I’m not sure how you audition.

    1. erica Post author

      The directions to submit a video audition are on the page.

  10. Felix Lloyd

    Wait, how do I make a video audition sorry for posting twice I didn’t mean to.

    1. erica Post author

      All the info is listed on this page, just follow the directions.

  11. Felix Lloyd

    I would like to apply for for the role of klaus. I am an 11 year old boy, height 4.6, weight 75 with brown hair.
    I would love to be in this. I always loved acting but I was to afraid.
    I never did an audition before because I never found the right series. I have a decently squeaky voice but I can make it low.
    I can do a decent British accent, also what are klause’s lines because I would like to read them.

    I do really hope you find this appealing.

  12. Paige Shirley

    I am 12 years old. Almost 13. I Love this book series and movie. I can memorize lines well. I am looking to play the role of violet. I’m 4 feet 11 inches. I have dirty blond hair. Please consider and contact me. I would love to be apart of this. Thank you in advance.

  13. Abby

    Playing the role of Violet would be a big step up for me in my career. I’m Australian but I can pull off a pretty good accent from anywhere around the globe. I’m also 12 turning 13 in May, and I think I fit the character description of Violet. I’m not that mature, I have my eyes wide open for new ideas in inventing and for my age I am quite smart and very self confident as well as independent but would do anything to help my siblings, as I am also a big sister.

    1. SOFE

      Has anyone received any information about if they got the part yet?

  14. Camara Chatham-Rodriguez

    Can you please forward me a copy of Violet’s audition script for my daughter Serenity? I have read the video audition instructions and did not see it anywhere. Thank you in advance!

    1. erica Post author

      I believe if you follow all the instructions, they email the script back with more information.

  15. Riah

    This is just the kind of thing I need to get my career started.
    12 years old, 5 foot five, Female, Brown hair and green eyes.
    Please call me for the information and let me know if there would be a part.

  16. Isabella Lee Tucker

    (Sorry if I keep reposting, for some reason it keeps leaving things out,)

    I would like to play the role of Violet in this movie. I have been acting for many years , since I was about 2 when I auditioned for a Oreo cookie commercial. Acting has been my most favorite thing to do. I have been in many plays such as, Stone soup, Little red riding hood, Alice in wonderland, James in the Giant peach and more! I have gotten lead roles in all of these but, I decided that it was time to try bigger things such as acting on T.V. Ive only done theater but, I have done me auditions for T.V But, they all turn out to be scams. So, when I came across this , this little voice in my head said, I needed to auction because this could be my big break. Im very good at remembering lines and very good at creating emotion. I can travel , and I feel like this is my big break so, that’s why I am doing this! I want to prove to people that said I couldn’t that I can! I have had a little vocal training and very little T.V Acting but, I know how to T.V act. For me having a lot of theater background I know how it works. Such as you can not project on T.V Or it sounds like your screaming also, that when, you say your lines you must make them sound believe able as if you were really the character. Anyway! I really hope you will pick me to do a online call with! This has always been my dream and I feel like I could do this if someone would just give me the chance.
    Name: Isabella Lee Tucker
    Age. 14 (My birthday is December 20 so I will be 15 by the end of 2015)
    height: 5’0
    weight: 170 (I do not look this big, I’m curvy but, I can easily pull of a teenage/kid)
    Hair: Dark brown and Short ( A little above my ears)
    Eyes: Bright Green/brown/little blue and gold. (The gold is in the middle of my eyes)
    Skin: White/pale
    Acting: Theater work for many years and many auditions but have all been scams.
    Live: i live in Georgia (USA) But, I can travel.
    Non?: I do not have to be paid, I don’t not care about the money, I just want to be given a chance.
    Outlook?: I have a very cool outlook. I can were all black and look good or all colors. I can rock anything you give.
    About me: I am a cosplayer. Cosplayers are people who dress up as their favorite character form a Show or anime. I love make props and going shopping. I love drawing and writing and skateboarding (Im learning how to ollie XD)
    Personality: I’m a very happy, go-lucky person. I can very serious or up-tight when needed. I am open to change and idea’s I’m not a stick in the mud. I no how to have fun and a good time!

    I really hope you will give me the chance and do a call with me! I have no agent , I do this all myself with my mom by my side! I can do a good British voice and can do series shows because, I can travel and I am in home-school so , it will be easy! Please give me the chance and I promise I won’t let you down!

  17. Grace Armstrong

    Hi my name is Grace Armstrong and I would love to be in this production!
    Gender: Female
    Hair color: Brown
    Eye color: Blue
    Age: 12
    Height: 5’2

  18. Dora Willsie

    Hello my name is Dora Willsie and I’m 12 years old, turning 13 in April 2016. I have dark brown eyes and light brown curly hair, which is shoulder length. I’m also willing to cut and/or dye it. I have a light, freckled complexion. I can play the guitar, ukulele, and sing. I can speak English, French, and Spanish. I take part in the Original Kids Theater Company, which you have to audition or get invited in to. I auditioned! I have read all the books in this series, and my brothers and I love it! I would love to be Violet! Taking care of Klaus and Sunny, and fending off Count Olaf. Anyway, I really hope you will consider my application! Thank you and I hope to see you soon!

  19. adrienne

    Hi my name is Adrienne Hogan. I am 12 years old an would be interested in playing the role of Violet. Could you please send me a copy of the script for my video audition?

  20. Christian Salinas

    I am a 16 year old Hispanic male. I would like to have a part in your production, even if I am back stage being a grip. I want to help, please give me this chance.

  21. Tahlia Russell

    What a fantastic opportunity this would be. That is so me.

  22. Jazzmine

    Hi I’m Jazzmine. I’m 14 years old. Me and my family love this movie. I’ve always wanted it to be a tv series and I would love to be a part of it as Violet. It would be like a dream come true.

    a little information about me: I’m Native/African American, I have Dark Brown hair with Dark Green tips, Brown eyes, I love acting. I have a great British accent, you can learn more if you choose me, thanks for the opportunity.

  23. Neighamya Fortune

    Acting is about the passion and the people you do it for, friends, family, fans and yourself, and a chance to have a little fun. Aren’t kids our future.

    Gender: Female
    Hair/eye color: Brown
    Height: 5’0
    Age: 12

  24. Neva

    I would love to audition but I’m 15 turning 16 in March (I’m short and look like a little kid still…) and I don’t know how to do an online audition….

  25. Jasmine

    This would be a dream job for me. I would love to be in this show. I believe that this would be a good boost in my career to start it up.


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